WHAT IS ROOT CANAL So, what is a root canal? A root canal what is a root canal is the treatment that is employed by a dentist to save a dying tooth that is badly infected. It is the widely trusted method of treating a decayed tooth and saving it. As, a natural tooth will provide a natural biting force and sensation, many people go for this treatment, in spite of it having a history and records of one of the most painful treatments.
C A V I T Y O R T R A U M A T O T H E J A W O R T E E T H M A Y C A U S E T H E P U L P T O D I E G R A D U A L L Y O R B E C O M E I N F E C T E D. T H E P U L P A L S O C A R R I E S T H E N E R V E, S O, I T I S E S S E N T I A L T O R E M O V E T H E I N F E C T E D P U L P. HOW IT IS PERFORMED? Well, a dentist will start with the X-ray of the infected tooth before deciding the need of the treatment. Ensuring the need a rootneed a root the dentist will first use small drill at the top of the tooth to make an opening for the procedure. After that, special tools and files are used to reach the root and remove the infected pulp from there.
HOW IT IS PERFORMED The opening may be cleaned with sprayed water to make sure all the dead pulp is removed. The dentist then may put the antimicrobial solution so that the microbial growth can be prohibited inside the chamber. Once the procedure is performed, the dentist will then seal the chamber so that a crown can be placed on top of the cavity for proper functioning.
WHAT ARE THE THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND AFTER A ROOT CANAL? After getting a root canal done, one should Carefully choose the food, as hard-to-chew foods may further damage the teeth and the filling. Inquire and entertain local sports event sponsorships. Avoid extremely hot or cold foods as they are capable of further weakening your tooth and may cause sensitivity. Be cautious while brushing the teeth and if there is extreme pain and discomfort for long, immediately consult the dentist.
CONTACT US: Margate Margate Medical, 3/279 Oxley Avenue Margate QLD 4019 Phone no: Mango Hill 1 Halpine Dr, Mango Hill QLD 4509 Phone no: