12th – 14th January 2017 Tim Oakley, GCOS Network Manager Global Climate Observing System COLLABORATION AND ENGAGEMENT WITH CROSS-CUTTING WMO PRIORITIES ICG-WIGOS-6 (Document 9.2) 12th – 14th January 2017 Tim Oakley, GCOS Network Manager
1998 2003 2015 1st 2nd Status Reports on Adequacy SBSTA 43 Decision at COP 4 (14/CP.4) in 1998 (Buenos Aires) Decision at COP 9 (11/CP.9) in 2003 (Milano) Conclusion SBSTA 43, COP 21 in 2015 (Paris) SBSTA 43, 2015 FCCC/SBSTA/2015/5 SBSTA Conclusions: Noted with appreciation the [Status] report by GCOS Encouraged GCOS to consider the outcomes of the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties when preparing the GCOS IP 2016 Invited GCOS to collaborate with relevant partners to continue enhancing access to, and understanding and interpretation of, data products and information to support decision-making on adaptation and mitigation at national, regional and global scales
2004 2010 2016 IP update new GCOS Implementations SBSTA 33 Decision at COP 10 (5/CP.10), in 2004 (Buenos Aires) and a Conclusion by SBSTA33 in 2010 (Cancun).
+ List of Actions & Appendices: Contributors, Glossary IP 2016 Exec Summary 14 pages Part I 40 pages Part II 172 pages + List of Actions & Appendices: Contributors, Glossary Annexes ECV PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Basic Terminology for Data Records Related to Climate
Actions to Inform Users Actions to Promote Future Improvements Actions to Maintain and Improve Networks Category Description Actions Networks Ensure sustained resources for networks. Ensure observations meet GCOS requirements. Expand existing networks. G6 Assisting developing countries to maintain or renovate climate observation systems and to improve climate observations networks G8 Regional Workshops G13 Review of ECV observation networks A5 Transition to BUFR A6 Air temperature measurements A7 Atmospheric Pressure sensors on drifting buoy A13 Implement vision for future of GUAN operation A15 Implementation of GRUAN A20 Increase the coverage of aircraft observations A33 Maintain WMO GAW CO2 and CH4 monitoring networks A34 Requirements for in-situ column composition measurements A36 N2O, halocarbon and SF6 networks/measurements A37 Ozone networks coverage O9 Upper ocean temperature observing system O10 Full depth temperature observing system O11 Ocean salinity observing system O13 Sea Level observations O14 Contributing to Sea State climatologies O15 In situ sea ice observations O16 Ocean Surface Stress observations O17 Ocean surface heat flux observing system O29 In situ data for satellite calibration and validation O37 Argo Array O39 Development of a Deep Argo Array O40 GO-SHIP O42 Maintain the Tropical Moored Buoy system O44 Meteorological Moorings O45 Wave Measurements on moorings O46 Observations of Sea Ice from buoys and visual survey O47 Sustain drifter array O48 Underway observations from Research and Servicing Vessels O49 Improve measurements from VOS O50 Improve measurements of underway thermosalinograph data O51 Sustain Ship-of-Opportunity XBT/XCTD O55 Maintain tide gauges T6 Identify Capacity Development Needs T17 International Soil Moisture Network T19 Maintain and extend the in-situ mass balance network T26 Glacier observing sites T27 Observations of Glacier Velocities T28 Snow-cover and snowfall observing sites T30 Ice sheet measurements T33 Standards and practices for permafrost T45 land Surface temperature in situ network expansion Category Description Actions Ensure Open data access and indefinite data storage Facilitate access to all climate data for all users by fostering open data policies, provision of relevant metadata including discoverability, and ensuring long-term access. G15 Open Data Policies G16 Metadata G17 Support to national Data Centres G26 Preservation of early satellite data G27 Recovery of instrumental climate data A1 Historical GSN availability A3 International exchange of SYNOP and CLIMAT reports A4 Surface Observing stations transition to automatic A8 Provide precipitation data to the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre A9 Submit Water Vapour data A10 National sunshine records into Data Centres A12 Surface Radiation Data into WRDC A17 Retain original measured values for radiosonde data A24 Implementation of archive for radar reflectivities A31 Validation of satellite remote sensing A38 Submission and dissemination of ozone data A39 Monitoring of aerosol properties O2 Integration and Data Access T5 Develop Metadata T7 Exchange of hydrological data T9 Submit historical and current monthly lake level data T11 Confirm GTN-R sites T13 Establish full scale Global Groundwater Monitoring Information System (GGMS) Deliver operational products Deliver required information to users A14 Evaluation of benefits for GUAN O3 Data Quality O4 Development of climatologies and reanalysis products O12 Gridded ocean current products T29 Integrated analyses of snow T34 Mapping of seasonal soil freeze/thaw Category Description Actions Improve observational techniques Promote R&D activities to develop or demonstrate new or improved approaches. Take advantage of new technologies. A23 Measurement of water vapour in the UT/LS A28 In-situ Profile and Radiation O6 Technology development T71 Prepare for a carbon monitoring system Design and plan new observational systems and networks Plan in cooperation of new ECV products. Consider redesign of existing networks. A29 Lightning O7 Observing System development and evaluation O56 Developing a global glider observing system O57 Developing a global animal tagging observing system T12 National needs for river gauges T37 Quality of ground-based reference sites for FAPAR and LAI Request 1 Please can WIGOS and its associated task-teams & working groups take into account the new GCOS Implementation Plan and where relevant contribute.
Requirements (OSCAR) Climate Monitoring Request 2 GCOS Request 2 Do you agree with this proposal/approach. Climate Services GCOS/Others Climate Science Others
Metadata (WIGOS) WIGOS Metadata Standard a significant step forward. Implementation in OSCAR shows significant benefit. But......... Request 3 Need to reinforce to Members their responsibility in updating and maintaining the metadata in OSCAR. Priority should be given to the machine-to-machine transfer. Should ‘operational’ funding of OSCAR be part of the WMO Regular Budget? Out of date or inaccurate metadata is a significant problem and can create the wrong messages. WMO Vol A has been replaced by OSCAR (Metadata). It is the Members responsibility to update this. No Machine-to-Machine transfer at present. Historical metadata of significant importance. Concerns over ongoing funding of OSCAR.
Surface Reference Network (Climate) GRUAN ?? Request 4 How can WIGOS contribute to this proposal? GUAN GSN/RBCN UAN All stations
Network Monitoring Request 5 Overlap between the work of CBS-LC-GCOS and the proposed Regional WIGOS Centres is evident. CBS-LC-GCOS continuing under the governance of CBS decisions but this needs to be addressed when RWC’s are developed.