SGD- cytoskeleton and cell junctions Attention - Class of 2016 SGD- cytoskeleton and cell junctions 12-12-11, 8.00 am Please read these topics from ‘Human Physiology- From Cells to System’ by Lauralee Sheerwood Latest Edition You may also consult ‘Textbook of Medical Physiology’ by Guyton & Hall Latest Edition. Focus on: 1. In Cytoskeleton Role of microtubules in maintenance of cell shape and complex cell movements Role of microfilaments in cellular contractile systems and as mechanical stiffeners Role of intermediate filaments in mechanical stress How the cytoskeleton links together parts of the cell 2. In Cell to Cell adhesions Role of extracellular matrix in cell adhesion Specialized cell junctions: Desmosomes, Tight junctions, Gap Junctions
LGD- Structure and varieties of epithelia Attention - Class of 2016 LGD- Structure and varieties of epithelia 13-12-11, 8.00 am You should know the following facts of epithelium: General features of epithelial tissue Functions of epithelium Classification of epithelia Morphology, location and functions of various types of covering/lining epithelia Features and location of specialized types of epithelia Modifications of apical domain of epithelial cells Composition and functions of basal lamina and basement membrane Classification of glands and their location Different modes of glandular secretion Features of serous, mucous and myoepithelial cells
Attention - Class of 2016 SGD- DNA replication 14-12-11, 8.00 am Consult “Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews” 5th Edition Chapter 29, pages 399-410 Focus on: the process of DNA replication (the enzymes involved and the activities taking place at the replication forks) the role of telomeres in aging and cancer Please refer to the study guide pages 21-22 for further guidance (You must be familiar with the structure of DNA to understand DNA replication)
Attention - Class of 2016 SGD- Gene transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 14-12-11, 1.30 pm Consult “Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews” Fifth Edition Chapter 30 pages 417-424 Focus on: the major types of cellular RNA and their functions the major steps of gene transcription (initiation, elongation and termination) in prokaryotes and eukaryotes the major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene transcription Please refer to the study guide pages 25 for further guidance
SGD- Protein synthesis Consult “Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews” Attention - Class of 2016 SGD- Protein synthesis 15-12-11, 1.30 pm Consult “Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews” Fifth Edition Chapter 31, pages 431- 445 Focus on: how the nucleotide sequence is translated into the amino acid sequence of a protein the components required for protein synthesis initiation, elongation and termination of protein synthesis how differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis have been exploited to produce various antibiotics Post-translational modification of proteins
Attention - Class of 2016 SGD- Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes 16-12-11, 10.30 am Consult “Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews” Fifth Edition Chapter 32, pages 454- 461 Focus on regulation of eukaryotic gene expression through: trans- and cis- acting molecules intracellular and cell surface receptors alternative splicing mRNA editing mRNA stability in iron metabolism (we’ll do RNA interference in therapeutics) translation of mRNA modifications to DNA