DIGITAL INCLUSIVITY: Strategies for Implementing New AT on College Campuses
Accessing Higher Ground 2016 Michele Bromley Will Skeels
Presentation Summary Portland State University and Kurzweil Education detail the successes and struggles involved in implementing a new adaptive technology (AT) like Kurzweil 3000 on a college campus. Presenters will focus on effective best practices and strategies for preparing the institution and students with disabilities for the ways in which new AT can affect learning.
The right adaptive technology (AT) can allow students with cognitive, intellectual, or visual disabilities to develop independent reading, writing, and studying skills that celebrate their learning strengths and differences. Disability services professionals can nonetheless feel unprepared to successfully implement new AT on their campuses.
Why use Kurzweil as an example? When a multi-modal reading, writing, and note taking platform (like Kurzweil 3000) is introduced without necessary consideration and support, it is often underutilized and therefore ineffective in providing increased access for students with disabilities.
In Summary The institution’s role in developing implementation protocols and providing student support. The vendor’s part in accessing disability services staff and providing them with the tools and information they need.
Protocols and Processes
Getting What You Need from Students Developing a clear and cohesive alternative format request process Instituting an acceptable use agreement for students receiving alternative formats Requiring proof of purchase or rental from students receiving alternative formats
Requesting/Creating Alternative Formats Working either directly with the publisher or with conduits like AccessText and Bookshare Directing and implementing conversions based on alternative format preference and academic need Contracting out to qualified alternative formats vendors when it is necessary or more cost effective
Determining Optimum Delivery Methods Determining optimum delivery methods (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox, Kurzweil, etc.) Establishing the path of least resistance: what works well for you and, more importantly, for the student?
Assessing Adaptive Technology Needs Developing and administering an Adaptive Technology Needs Assessment Establishing a need for reading, comprehension, and note taking tools Comparing, contrasting, and choosing the right tools for your institution How did we approach choosing Kurzweil 3000?
Effective Implementation
Planning Fostering relationship between vendor and institution - establishing staff end-users Determining likely platforms from which users will need access: Windows, Mac, Chromebooks, tablets, phones
Collaborating Software/application installation guidelines How license management works Student training, file distribution process Following up with formal training from a professional development (PD) expert
Preparing Students Recruiting and preparing focused user groups What technical supports will appeal most to students? What are the most common areas of academic struggle? How do we interest students in new technology?
Learning from Students Executing a series of beta tests and examining beta test feedback Where are the likely pitfalls for new users? What level of support do students need? How can we troubleshoot technical issues?
Preparing for Launch Designing email templates and training materials How do we share the information students need without overwhelming them? Launching the software with group training and information sessions Keeping training and support manageable for DSS staff
Ongoing Training and Support
Providing Ongoing Support (Vendor) Regular checkups as determined by institution’s comfort with technology. Focus on the following: Students are rostered Students are logging in Lead user is comfortable
Providing Ongoing Support (Institution) Scheduling initial training and support sessions for new student users Individual or group sessions based on need Troubleshooting issues in real time Utilizing technical support from the vendor
Thank you for coming! Any questions? Copies of the resources described in this presentation (acceptable use agreements, adaptive technology needs assessments, email templates, user guides, etc.) are available upon request.