An Inside Higher Ed webcast Tuesday, October 17 2 p.m. Eastern Adaptive Learning, Transformational Education and Next-Generation Assessment An Inside Higher Ed webcast Tuesday, October 17 2 p.m. Eastern
Presenters Scott Jaschik, editor, Inside Higher Ed, Doug Lederman, editor, Inside Higher Ed,
Larger Context for Change Advances in technology Demands for greater college attainment Growth in share of students who may not be prepared Demands for greater accountability
The Adaptive Concept What it is How first used Lessons from early experiences
The Significance of Santa Cruz
National’s Personalized Learning Combination of adaptive learning, predictive analytics and competency-based learning Significance of this mixed approach
Georgia Tech’s CS Program The initial growth of the master’s program Lessons learned Shift to undergrad courses Potential impact on time to degree
The Flipped/Blended Combo Advantages of the combination Successes at University of Toledo
Active Learning, Broadly Defined Flipping the classroom Science teaching (at institutions that have not valued teaching) Significance of efforts at all kinds of institutions
Measuring Active Learning
More Writing Through Automation
Large-Scale Assessment Without Standardized Tests
The Debate Over Western Governors New scrutiny Old rules Lessons for other innovations
Q&A Your questions Ideas for future coverage
With Thanks …