Presentatie titel Times tables Okahandja, October 2013 Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007
The concept of multiplication: counting-based repeated addition
Times tables repeated addition
Times tables – repeated addition
The concept of multiplication: structuring-based multiplication
Structuring-based multiplication
Times tables – the strategies of structured multiplication Strategy: ‘one-times-more’ Strategy: ‘changing’
Times tables the strategies of structured multiplication Strategy: ‘one-times-less’ Strategy: ‘doubling’
Times tables the strategies of structured multiplication Strategy: ‘halving’
The concept of multiplication: formal multiplication How to construct a times table by using the strategies? 1 x 7 known 2 x 7 double 7 + 7 or changing 3 x 7 one times more: 2 x 7 + 7 or changing 4 x 7 doubling 2 x 7: 14 + 14, or one times less 5 x 7 halving 10 x 7 or changing 6 x 7 one times more: 5 x 7 + 7 7 x 7 via 5 x 7 + 2 x 7 (distribution) 8 x 7 doubling 4 x 7: 28 + 28 or via 5 x 7 + 3 x 7 9 x 7 one times less: 10 x 7 – 7 10 x 7 known or ‘the zero rule’
Formal multiplication; anchor points and strategies
Formal multiplication; anchor points and strategies
Teaching materials times tables Step 1: repeated addition Times tables containers, Buttons, bottle tops, beans, …. all kind of counting materials Step 2: structured multiplication Tiles Times table square Step 3: formal multiplication Relation schemes
Memorization Say the times table and lay the tiles Times table snakes Times table memory games Times table bingo Relation schemes Times tables ‘award’ Exercises
1 Times tables containers 1 - 10
1 Times tables containers 1 - 10 Say the times table and lay the objects Make drawings of 2 x 3, 5 x 4, 3 x 6, ……. Make a ‘times tables exhibition’ in the classroom Make your ‘times tables posters’
2 Buttons, bottletops, beans, strings, sticks, stones, all kind of counting materials
2 Buttons, bottletops, beans, strings, sticks, stones, all kind of counting materials Make groups and say the times table Make groups and write the times table Make drawings of 2 x 3, 5 x 4, 3 x 6, …….
3 Tiles
3 Tiles Lay the 2-times table in two columns, lay the 3-times table in two columns, ….. Lay 5 times 4. Add one row of 4 tiles. How do you know 6 x 4 =? Lay 5 times 6. Take away one row of 6 tiles. Which sum did you make? ….. Take 12 tiles and make different ‘floors’. Write your calculations. Take 13 tiles and make different ‘floors’. Write your calculations. Take 20 tiles and make different ‘floors’. Write your calculations…… Etc.,
4 Times tables memory game 2 x 5 6 x 8 4 x 3 3 x 4
4 Times tables memory game 10 2 x 5 12 48 6 x 8 4 x 3
5 Times table snakes 12/ 8 x 3 2 x 3 15/ 9 x 3 30/ 5 x 3 6 / 4 x 3 18/ 7 x 3 3/ 3 x 3 24/10 x 3 9 21/ 1 x 3 27/ 6 x 3
6 Relation sheets ….x 3 = …. ….x 3 = …. 1-time more 1-time less doubling halving
7 Times table square x 1 2 3 4 5
7 Times table square x 1 2 3 4 5
7 Times table square Lay the 4 times table with bottle tops, say and write the 4 times table. Lay 10 bottle tops in different ways and write the sums. Lay 24 bottle tops in different ways and write the sums. Etc.,
Make and collect the materials Practise the materials yourself and discover the possibilities to teach mathematics in your class with these ‘easy to make’ teaching materials.
How do you know the times tables? Discussion Excersises with teaching materials, multiplication problems, games (24-game) Speedtest