Unit 3 – Web design Final Project Exploring Computer Science – Lesson 3-11
Your web site about yourself will become the final project foe the web design unit. Your web site must include At least 3 separate web pages A stylized navigation menu that links to all the pages. Must be included on every page! Images Each page has headers, navigation and content CSS code to make it look good! Final Project
Rubric Do you have? Points Possible Website Content Do you have? Points Possible Website Content 3 or more pages on your site 30 Images that support your topic (at least 1 per page) Content about you and your future Website Design Incorporate two of the layout styles into your website (list/table/absolute positioning) 20 Include navigation menu, or accordion menu. Links to all the pages of your website on each page. CSS Code Headers (i.e. <h1> <h2> etc) on each page Total 200 Rubric
You must complete this today! The first part of tomorrow we will do a gallery walk of each other web sites. The person whose web site is voted the best in the class will receive extra credit. Also any work you owe Mr. Keys must be completed today! Tomorrow we begin a new unit… When is this Due?