Weekly Newsletter: September 9th – September 13th Name: _______________________ Weekly Newsletter: September 9th – September 13th Week at a Glance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday School Pictures Behavior Note Early Release 2:10 Friday Flag, 8:45 Individual Sight Words Spelling Pattern Words Pattern: Words with short i -it -ig 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ sit bit lit hit fit pit pig dig big wig jig zig Weekly Vocabulary Words volunteer considerate disturb Homework Comprehension Focus: Ask – Who are the characters? What is the setting? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Read for 15 minutes Spelling Pattern/Sight Word Practice Math: Fill in the 100 Chart (attached) Math: More What’s Inside the Cup? (attached) Parent initials _____ Parent initials ____
Parent Information Greetings Parents! We have been having some hot weather! Please make sure you are sending your child to school with water every day. Also, use ice packs in their lunches! As we get into the fourth week of school, please remember to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! Living the Dolphin Way Living the Dolphin way is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Thank you for helping your child live the Dolphin Way at home and at school! Thank You! Thank you to my Word Club volunteers! Our first week was a success! Wish List: We are in need of the following items – *Empty water bottles (needed by 9/11) Important Dates and Reminders: 9/9: School Pictures 9/10: LPP Session 1 Classes Begin 9/18: Parents’ Night – Seven Habits 9/20: Grandparents Day, Word Club Awards 9/24: Dine Out – Islands Learning Goals: Word Work: Students will practice reading and spelling words with the short vowel /i/ sound. Please see the examples on the front page of the newsletter. Reading: Students will continue to answer who, what, when, and where questions this week. Math: Students will continue their investigation into making 10 using two smaller numbers. Writing: Students will continue to explore writing this week. They will write about the rules and procedures during lunch. Social Studies: Students will wrap up our discussion of rules and laws, and how they are important to a community. We will also discuss the character traits of a good student. Students will begin a project related to making rules.