Love you swamy
CONCEPT OF PARENTING There are only two lasting bequests that we can give our children, One is the roots ,the other- wings
Parenting- Definition Commences from the child’s birth or even before It is the act of rearing the child with care, love and guidance It is a process of upbringing and educating the child from birth until it attains adulthood. Human beings have a long infancy period, unlike animals and birds.
Parenting – a complex job Manifold Responsibilities Providing the basic needs:food,shelter and clothing Protecting from physical and psychological harm Emotional development
Parenting – a complex job Manifold Responsibilities developing social skills good education Inculcating cultural values
Parenting – a complex job
Styles of parenting Every parent- child relationship is unique. To be responsive (love, warmth & support) Two important elements of parenting styles To be demanding (control)
child is like a kite; allow it to fly higher and higher, keeping the control in your hand “
Styles of Parenting STYLES AUTHORITARIAN (tight control) AUTHORITATIVE (Democratic ) PERMISSIVE (full freedom ) UNINVOLVED (uninterested)
Styles of Parenting
Authoritarian Style: characteristics' Parents exert full control over the child. Child is expected to follow the strict rules and regulations set by them. Strict punishment for disobedience. No freedom for the child. It is deprived of love warmth and affection of the parents. High criticism- always finding fault in the child High expectations from the child. No praise for good behavior
Impact on the child -- contd Obedient Children Rebellious or submissive Inferiority complex Fighting with the peers. Lacks self confidence No love towards others Low in self esteem and social competence unable to express its likes or dislikes Feeling of insecurity, fear MAY BECOME PROFICENT….. BUT..LOW..IN..HAPPINESS Incapable of taking decisions
Authoritative or Democratic Style- Characteristics- Motivation as KEY Outward expression of their love & affection Listen to their ideas and opinions Set rules and regulations to be followed Guidance through teaching Praise for the good behavior Punishment is given showing the reason. Democratic- listen to the child’s ideas *
Authoritative or Democratic Style- Characteristics- Motivation as KEY Guidance through teaching not by punishment. Clear expectations are set, Forgiving the child , when it fails to reach it Helping the child to grow as a responsible member in the society
Impact on the Child Self discipline, creative Grow up with self confidence self respect Capable of taking independent decisions, Freedom of expression Happy, capable & successful Respect for other’s ideas
Impact on the child ..contd Self control Cheerful and contented Progress in studies Good understanding with the parents Capacity to achieve the goals in life.
Permissive style characteristics Permission to do as the child pleases , Rules and regulations are not set for the child to follow, Love shown through satisfying all their demands, No expectations are set to guide the child in social behavior Rarely disciplining the child
Permissive style.. contd Low expectations of maturity and self control Accept both the good behavior and bad behavior of the child without comments, No guidance about the consequences, Very lenient,- often more like a friend than the parent. Feeling that the only way to show their love is by satisfying every wish of the child.
IMPACT ON THE CHILD Inconsistent approach by the parent- a sense of insecurity in the child Grow up as immature & impulsive Fearful, anxious or aggressive Do not learn proper interaction in the society Difficulty faced academically
Uninvolved style Detached from the life of child Not in a position to spend quality time with the child Feeling that it is enough if all the physical needs of the child are fulfilled A desire that their children should grow up as respected persons well settled in life Parents do not act as “good role models
Impact on the child Deprived of parental love & affection Low self esteem, less competency Children lack self control
Youth wasted in harmful pursuits IMPACT ON THE CHILD Youth wasted in harmful pursuits No aim or guidance in life.
Dynamic ( Effective) parenting It is a style of Carrying out their responsibilities in such a manner that the child is well prepared to realise its full potential as a human being. Parents are like the sculptors, who shape the fully blossomed personality of the child. Every child is a Divine Gift. Parents are the Trustees entrusted with the task of moulding its personality. It is their offering to GOD
To accept that every child is unique GUIDING LAMPS TO DYNAMIC PARENTING To understand likes and dislikes of the child- respect it as an individual. To be a source of support and encouragement when the child fails in its effort To make child realise their unconditional love and feel the warmth of their affection, To accept that every child is unique
BLOSSOMING OF HUMAN EXCELLENCE Balvikas Gurus & Parents To make the parents know that, Balvikas is an unique system of Creativity in Education BLOSSOMING OF HUMAN EXCELLENCE it is child centered education, Learning is a fruitful experience here. aims at the development of an integrated personality in the child with the noble goal of “Blossoming Human Excellence”
NEED FOR MEETING PARENTS To make the parents realise their important role in the personality development of their child Motivate them to render full cooperation, encouragement and support, towards leading the child towards the noble goal of Balvikas. “ Arranging meeting with the Parents”, achieves much importance in this context
Children are like the stars in the sky CHILDREN ARE THE FLOWERS IN MY GARDEN CHILDREN ARE THE FLOWERS IN MY GARDEN Children are like the stars in the sky