With Ms. Weed and Mr. Michael IMS Drama!! With Ms. Weed and Mr. Michael
How to get to the IMS drama website IMS Homepage: http://connect.issaquah.wednet.edu/middle/ims/# -Click “Activities” -Click “Clubs” -Click “Drama” Ms. Weed will post schedules, announcements, requests there. Schedules are posted under “Documents” and in the Calendar (from now on) She will also email you all! Feel free to get in touch with questions or concerns weedj@issaquah.wednet.edu
The Rules of Comedy: Show-verview! A hilarious slapstick comedy where actors teach the audience the “rules of comedy,” then prove they work by applying them to the final scene of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Memorizing Shakespeare with your student! Not as hard as it sounds! Great way to bond with your child and find out how they’re doing. WE’VE ADDED AN EXTRA SHOW!! Sunday, November 21st at 2 PM! Double-casting: what does that mean?
Drama at IMS Turning the drama program from just shows to actual classes Throughout the shows, actors will be exposed to true theatrical work: lessons in physical theatre, crafting characters, and Shakespeare We have high expectations. We request your students be present, engaged, ready and committed to put in work in and out of rehearsal Memorizing lines Memorizing blocking Being present (conflict policy)
Schedule overview: What can I expect from Tech? Tech week: the week before the show where we put it truly “on its feet” Running the show with light and sound cues Full costume and props rehearsals It runs later than our typical rehearsals Plan out a carpool!
How Can I get involved? There are lots of ways to support your student’s theatre experience! Parent Volunteer Positions Ushers (seats and concessions) – 2 parents needed! Costumes (wash, help costume crew keep track) – 2 parents needed! Ticket Booth – 2 parents needed! Photographers! – any parent with photography skills to take pictures! Post-Show Party Coordinator!! – COOKIES NOT CUPCAKES! Publicity!! Driving posters around town! Marketing shows to parent groups, places of worship, family and friends!