KEANU’S GUIDE TO INTERNET SAFETY Part of “keenu beenu’s beuatiful blog
Cyberbullying No doubt the internet is what we use everyday, but since school started it is now a tool for, studying, and research. Texting, video chatting, and talking to strangers might be harmful if you are not careful. This is of course called “Cyberbullying”. Cyberbullying is similar to school yard bullying but online. Some cyberbullies pose as their victims and send out harassing messages to others. Recently, cyberbullies have also begun posting humiliating videos of other kids they dislike. This can cause, anxiety, depression, and can be harmful to the media. Most people don’t care or even understand the dangers of the internet when they are using it. You can avoid this by having your parents monitoring your, phones and other devices. Or use the block feature in social media.
Child predators While kids are having fun on their cell phones, dangerous people are out there such as child predators. This is perhaps this is the most dangerous threat to the internet. Online predators or child predators involves targeting or stalking a vulnerable child for weeks, days, or even months. This happens by a male that is older than the kid that he is preying on, then lures that kid by appearing online as a different person. After, the kid gets kidnapped and gets raped and murdered by the child predator. You can avoid this by not trusting anyone on the internet unless it a family member or a trusted friend of yours.
Inappropriate Content Our society is filled with inappropriate content such as, pornography, lewd music, and much more. Kids these days use the two-second search on Google to access pornography online. Pornography also appears in R-rated movies. Although the movie theater doesn’t allow kids under 14 or 18 in Canada, parents allow kids to go in the non-kids section on, Netflix, and other streaming services. This is a way that kids can view R-rated movies and pornographic movies with out their parents knowing. You can avoid this by avoiding the certain category on the movie streaming services and going to the kids section or just picking an appropriate movie to watch.
Damaged reputations Many devices have a built-in camera these days which means you can share pictures very easily. It might be useful, but at the same time can be abused very easily. Children these days use it for, Instagram, Skype, Twitter, and much more out there. Sadly people get bad reputations from these by being peer pressured by people, then sending pictures of themselves to that person, then have it spreading like a wildfire all over his or hers school. This can lead to, depression, anxiety, and suicide. This can be avoided by not sending pictures of you’re self to people, and avoiding the person who is peer pressuring you.
KEEP information to self! If you’re going to use the internet and have a social media, keep information like passwords to you’re self. Try to make your passwords complex but enough to remember so people cant go into your social media account. Even don’t give out your last name because most people can hack into your information, and track you down then kidnap you.
Now that you know a portion of what is dangerous but I’m not trying to stop you guys from going on the internet but as long as your careful you will be fine.