HF Test station at P5 A.Mestvirishvili
Test stand at P5 According the schedule shown, equipping the ROBOX test stand at P5 has to start at September first 2011. As a place for new ROBOX assembly and tests we plan to use minus side alcove at a surface assembly hall at P5 – infrastructure exists: large area, lockable barrack, network connections etc. Structurally test setup is quite simple --- new ROBOX + FE + DAQ During a 2012 shutdown, after existing ROBOXes will be removed from HF and cleared by RP, they will be delivered to test place, reassembled and tested
Equipments, which will be delivered at CERN PMT’s and Base board’s Electrical components – internal and external connectors, cables, supporting materials essential for ROBOX assembly Internal mechanical parts of ROBOX – PMT housings, plates etc. All these will be delivering at CERN from Iowa, FNAL during next year and will be at CERN by the time of 2012 shutdown will start
Equipments, already at CERN Equipment already at CERN Front end electronics – QIE cards, CCM’s, CM exactly similar to what are used now to read out HF DAQ – standalone DAQ system with exactly similar components to what are used now to take data. Operation procedure of standalone DAQ is exactly the same to the procedure we are going through during local (LED, Laser, Ped) data taking. We keep these DAQ systems always up to date. HF Front end electronics used during slice test at B904 All equipment, which are at CERN will be transported to the test place when the time comes.
Assembly and essential tests Equipment arriving from oversea will be visually inspected and verified that there was no damage to them during the transportation. All the mechanical and electrical assembly will be done by qualified technicians. After ROBOX will be assembled, it will be placed to the test stand and PMT to output connector pin mapping will be verified. Each individual PMT will be illuminated using movable light source and will be verified that signal comes in a designated channel. Light tightness test - all ROBOXes will be checked for light tightness to exclude any kind of light leaks. Long pedestal runs will be taken and data will be analyzed afterwards. QC test – to ensure that all the parts installed in a ROBOX operates properly – LED/LASER runs, Pedestal runs. Burn In test For the last three items listed, six ROBOX will be connected and tested at the same time. For these we will have – from FE side two crates with 24 QIE cards, two CCM and one CM from the side of DAQ – three HTR, one DCC etc. At the test station can be performed various other test as well, such as gain curves, single PE. But those test are better to do down in cavern, after ROBOXes will be reinstalled on HF
Conclusions We are in the beginning of our efforts to make this upgrade successful and lots of stuffs has to be done but we are in a good track in our preparation As it was already outlined all the necessary steps are taken to prepare the stand at P5 and perform the essential test for new ROBOX assembly, commissioning and installation to have even better detector for 14 TeV running