Customer Care Tools ME Origin
Objectives To know how to use properly the LBC applications. To be able to differentiate the functions of each tools. To determine when to use the applications.
LBC Tools & Applications- CRM Online system where all customers database who called the call center are stored. Displays the call history of customer including time of call, nature of call and the agent who answered the call. Serves as call logging system of call center.
Step by Step Procedure- Logging in at CRM Open browser (Mozilla Firefox) and type on the address bar
Step by Step Procedure- Logging in at CRM 2. Log in using your username and password.
Step by Step Procedure- Logging in at CRM 3. Once log in is successful, you will be directed to the Home Page.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Home 1 6 2 3 4 5
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Home Where uploaded announcements, agent dashboard, chat, minimized windows, agent details and agent time sheets are found.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Home Uploaded Announcement Important announcements are flashed and continuously crawling beneath the headers. Includes the date of uploading and the from what country it is assigned. Stops when the cursor is pointed at the announcement. Agent Dashboard Search fields ( i.e name, phone number and tracking number)are found Agent Timesheet Displays the log in and log out time of the agent
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Home Chat Chat capability to those who are logged in at CRM. Shows the status of the users Minimized Windows Lists of hidden windows by the agents. Agent Details Displays the current date and time, access used, total number of calls and average handling time while logged in at CRM.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- CMOS CMOS module inside the CRM. Has an auto fetched capability as long as customer record was pulled out. Can be hidden or closed permanently.
Customer Information is based on the populated fields in CRM. Hide/Close BUTTON
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Inquiry Header where tools that can be used to answer customer inquiries can be found such as Track & Trace, Rate Calculator, Exchange Rates and Delivery Zones. Applications can be hidden or closed permanently.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Inquiry Branch Finder Can search branch address and operating hours of LBC branches nationwide. Landmarks and branch cut off is also present. Map where LBC branch is located is also visible. Delivery Areas Application used to check if certain area is deliverable or serviceable by LBC or not. Displays the turn around time or delivery commitment on the area. DHL MRT Tracking Tracking used to check shipments for delivery abroad. Status displayed is the same as the dashboard. Exchange Inquiry Where to find the scan in/scan out made at Exchange going to delivery hub.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Branch Finder Need to choose the country, province and city to narrow search. Click branch operating hours to get branch business hours and cut off.
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Branch Finder
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Delivery Areas
CRM Headers and Sub headers- DHL MRT tracking
CRM Headers and Sub headers- DHL MRT tracking
CRM Headers and Sub headers-Exchange Inquiry Input tracking number here
CRM Headers and Sub headers-Exchange Inquiry
CRM Headers and Sub headers- Inquiry Inquiry Sys Used to search for previous transactions made by shipper. Search fields are tracking number and sender’s name. Multiple Track & Trace Can track multiple tracking numbers and displays the latest status only. Can be separated by comma or asterisk. Same status as what is displayed by Dashboard. Track and Trace Main tracking application for shipments accepted by LBC team. Shows the date and time shipment was turned over to different stages. Exchange Rate Displays the current exchange rate for branches with remittance services.
CRM Headers and Sub headers-Inquiry Sys Search fields
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Tracking Number Enter tracking number and press Search
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Tracking Number Transaction history of shipments abroad Tracking Number Status Product Date processed Shipper Name Shipper Address Consignee Name Consignee Address Comments box for updates
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Shipper Name Encode shipper name in order Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial and press Search.
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Shipper Name Displays all the records of customer name regardless of origin. Click Name to open
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Shipper Name With option to view the transaction history of customer
Inquiry Sys- Search thru Shipper Name Shows all the transaction history of customer. Click the tracking number to view specific tracking number.
How to add customer details? Type customer’s name in the search field. If no existing record, agent will be directed to Add customer page. (Fig. 1) Supply the information in the fields with red font. Click Save.
Figure 1- Add Customer page
How to update customer details? Type customer name in the search field. If with existing record, verify if this is the record of customer. If the existing record is of the caller, validate the address, contact number and ask for email address and click save. (Figure 2) If not, get customer’s full name and create record.
How to log customer call? Perform validation to customer information. (existing or new) Select customer touchpoint Social Media Email Hotline Choose caller classification Shipper Consignee Non LBC customer Get call type Inquiry Request Complaint Follow-up
How to log customer call? 6. Admin Call 7. Prank Call 8. Line Problem 5. Select call sub type (depends on the call type) Type remarks or other important information to the customer’s call. (What you advise, what shipper told you etc..) Encode tracking number (if applicable) Paste the reference number (booking ID or CMOS) Tag the ticket status (Closed or Open) Click Save
Figure 2- Update Customer details
Figure 3- Logging of customer call
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