ADVANCED PLACEMENT vs. DUAL ENROLLMENT Cathy Billington – Sophomore Counselor Kristine Fewox – Junior Counselor
What is advanced placement? “Advanced Placement” (AP) is a program of college-level courses offered by the high school. Teachers focus on engaging discussions, high-level thinking, problem solving, and building writing skills. AP courses can help you gain the skills and study habits you will need to be successful in college. AP courses must be recommended by a current teacher. After completing the full year course, students take the AP exam. Based on the exam score, students may be given college credit.
Ap courses offered at wrhs * ENGLISH * SOCIAL SCIENCE AP English Language AP US History AP English Literature AP US Government * MATH AP Economics AP Statistics * ELECTIVES AP Calculus AB AP Spanish Language * SCIENCE AP Psychology AP Environmental Science AP Human Geography AP Biology AP European History AP Physics 1 AP Computer Science AP Physics 2 AP Art 2D - Portfolio AP Chemistry AP Art – Drawing AP Art – History AP Music Theory
What is dual enrollment? Dual Enrollment (DE ) is designed for academically talented students who want to accelerate their college careers. Students receive high school and college credit for DE courses successfully passed. Eligibility guidelines: - minimum unweighted cumulative GPA 3.0 - minimum testing requirements (PERT/ACT/SAT) must be met in reading/writing/math PERT offered at PHSC, two attempts within 2 year, 2nd time is $5 We will be offering PERT at WRHS in May – deadline to register through SC is March 31; test will take place in week of May 1
Placement test Students can take one or a combination of PERT/ACT/SAT to meet minimum test requirements. PERT is available at PHSC after student applies to college (same day); allowed two attempts within two years – 2nd attempt is $5.00. If students want to register for PERT through WRHS, he/she must notify SC no later than, March 31, 2017. Testing will take place the first week of May 2017. Students must sit for reading, writing and math sections to be considered for DE. If student receives college level score in (R) and (W), but not math, he/she will be limited to 12 DE credits.
Steps to dual enrollment 1st time DE students must complete the PHSC application and meet with his/her counselor to verify GPA – paperwork is located on the WRHS website, in Student Services and the PHSC website; students must bring ID If PERT is taken at PHSC, you must provide a copy of your scores to your SC to determine eligibility.
Dual enrollment (on-campus) Registration for fall DE courses offered at WRHS (on-campus) must be turned in by Friday, May 19, 2017. Paperwork is located on the WRHS website, in Student Services, and the PHSC website. Students must complete, both MIS 451 and SAR 5 in their entirety, and return to SC. Courses offered at WRHS include: English Composition 1& II, Intro to Psych/Abnormal Psych and World Literature 1 & II
Dual enrollment (off-campus) Students must complete, both MIS 451 and SAR 5 in their entirety, before having paperwork finalized by SC. Mrs. Fewox will be at WRHS on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 to sign off, print GPA/test scores and verify DE courses. Students will then register at PHSC according to their grade level. (see below) Registration for fall DE courses offered at PHSC (off-campus) will take place the following dates at PHSC: Seniors – August 2, 2017 Juniors – August 3, 2017 Sophomores – August 4, 2017 After students register at PHSC, he/she must bring a copy of his/her off- campus DE courses to Student Services; WRHS schedule must reflect correct DE placeholders.
ALL students are limited to 16 DE credits ( = 5 courses) per semester. important!!! ALL students are limited to 16 DE credits ( = 5 courses) per semester. Freshman (9th grade) are limited to taking courses on WRHS campus only. Sophomores (10th grade) are limited to taking 7 credits at PHSC (off campus). Juniors (11th grade) and Seniors (12th grade) may take classes on both campuses or PHSC only. Students cannot enroll in “summer sessions” nor “mini-mesters”. All DE courses taken must fulfill HS graduation requirements. To be considered a FT DE student, he/she must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 DE credit hours AND courses must equate to at least 3.0 credits at HS.
Important!!! To be considered a FT DE student, he/she must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 DE credit hours AND courses must equate to at least 3.0 credits at HS. If a student does not meet the FT DE criteria, he/she must be enrolled in 6 courses total (any combination of HS, online, and/or DE). HS schedule will not be adjusted to accommodate DE off-campus courses. Students must be diligent in choosing classes that will not interfere with HS schedule. All grades remain on HS and PHSC transcript. Students who choose to drop a course, must drop within the drop/add period (first week of PHSC classes) and requires SC approval. Students are advised to speak with a PHSC advisor regarding post-secondary questions pertaining to AA/AS. Limited access and athletic courses are restricted from DE. DE students are responsible for picking up/returning required textbooks.
Courses offered at WRHS must be taken at WRHS!!! If a DE course on-campus is capped, students will not be allowed to register for the course to be taken off-campus at PHSC.
resources Richelle Henry – 9th grade School Counselor Cathy Billington – 10th grade School Counselor Kristine Fewox – 11th grade School Counselor/DE Coordinator Alexa Vaccaro – 12th grade School Counselor Allison Kanewa – New Student School Counselor Diamela Vergne – Assistant Principal of Student Services credit-policies