The Stingray's Ecosystem By: Kenley
Definition of an Ecosystem The definition of an ecosystem is all living and nonliving things that interact in an area.
The Stingray's Ecosystem The stingray's ecosystem is usually found in coastal waters of temperate seas.
This is a Map of Where the Stingray Lives
What is the Definition of Biome? The definition of biome is a large part of Earth that has a certain temperature and has biotic and abiotic things in that area.
What Does Biotic Mean? The definition of biotic is living.
What are Some Biotic Things in the Stingray's Ecosystem? Some biotic things in the stingray's ecosystem is the the coral and other plants, sea creatures, etc.
What Does Abiotic Mean? The definition of abiotic is nonliving.
What are Some Abiotic Things in the Stingray's Ecosystem? Some abiotic things in the stingray's ecosystem is the ocean water, rocks, and sand.
How Does the Stingray Interact with it's Surroundings? The stingray interacts with it's surroundings by burying themselves under the sand.
How do Abiotic Things Help the Stingray Meet it's needs? The sand helps the stingray camouflage. Whenever something swims above it the stingray swoops up and has it's meal.
The Dolphin VS Stingray
Some of Their Differences Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins live at the top part of the ocean. Stingrays are marine animals. Stingrays live on the ocean floor.
Some of Their Similarities They both live in oceans. They both are biotic.
How Does the Stingray Depend on it's Surroundings? The stingray depends on its surroundings because it can't eat food without the sand that it can camouflage in.
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