Children’s museum of ithaca Telemachos' journey JJ Conn Katie Miller Hannah Newman Ben Ruttenberg Vachana Vegirouthu
Stop #1: ithaca
Stop #1: Ithaca Telemachos grew up in this city without his father. Telemachos’ house was always full of men, wanting to marry his mother. Telemachos did not like the suitors.
At Ithaca, Telemachos talked to an old family friend who was really the goddess Athena. Athena told Telemachos to go on a journey to find out if his father was alive. Telemachos called a meeting to tell the men not to marry his mother an that he was going to try to find out about his father. With the help of Athena, he was ready for his trip.
Stop #2: Pylos
Telemachos’ Journey to Pylos Nestor says that he does not know where Odysseus is, but Menelaos, the king of Sparta, does. Telemachos visits Nestor in Pylos to ask about his father Odysseus’ whereabouts.
Stop #3: Sparta
Telemachos’ 3rd Stop in Sparta Telemachos stops in Sparta to see Menelaus and Helena.
Menelaus and Helen tell Telemachos stories about Odysseus’ heroic acts They also tell Menelaus that his father, Odysseus is alive. They inform him that Calypso is imprisoning Odysseus on her island. Menelaus and Helen inform Telemachos that the suitors plan to ambush him.
Works Cited Gibbs, Laura. “Telemachos, Helena, and Menelaus Works Cited Gibbs, Laura. “Telemachos, Helena, and Menelaus.” Online Image. Best Latin BlogSpot. N.p.. 19 August 2009. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. Hooper, Victoria. “Greek Map.” Book Drum. N.p.. n.d. Web. 12 April 2012. <http://www/bookdrum.come/books>. “Meeting.” Online Image. David Claudon. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 13 April 2012. <>. “Nestor.” Online Image. Myth Web. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. “Odysseus.” Online Image. Ryzymystery. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. “Odysseus and Calypso.” Online Image. Geocaching. N.p.. 15 April 2007. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. “Penelope.” Online Image. Google. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 14 April 2012. <>. “Penelope Bride.” Online Image. Stanford. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. “Ship.” Online Image. Carrotona Stick. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 14 April 2012. <>. “Suitors’ Ambush.” Online Image. How Is How. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 15 April 2012. <>. “Telemachos.” Online Image. Clker. N.p.. n.d.. Web 14 April 2012. <>. “Telemachos and Mentor.” Online Image. Ancient History. N.p.. n.d.. Web. 15 April 2012. <>.