International volunteerism and neocolonialism in the refugee crisis in Greece (University of Amsterdam, Anthropological Perspectives on Humanitarianism) Challenge the usual perception of ‘doing good’ where others have failed (today we will not talk about the positives) Ask some questions for further reflection Present some examples from direct observation Leave the conclusions to the students
Types of international volunteering in Greece Independent Supporting a self-organized collective Part of an organization that depends on volunteers (age, time commitment) (native speakers of languages of refugees, second generation refugees/migrants are participants of such initiatives)
Some issues Ignoring local context and needs (economic crisis, local communities) Sidelining local people/volunteers (self-organised, independent) Pretending to be the voice of refugees and lecturing about it (media) Getting between refugees and locals (language, integration)
Some questions Why Greece? Why not Turkey, Syria or EU country of destination? Politicised? The No Borders, the smugglers, the rumours. Responsibility. Looking to build skills? Why on the back of those in need? Where’s the dignity for refugees? Looking for thrills? Adrenaline rush. Looking to ‘become better persons’? Life is the same on return. Many seek psychological support. Cheap or free labour for NGOs? Eyes and ears for intelligence services or religious groups? And what of the ones looking for sexual adventure? Is it about what the refugees need or what the volunteers want?
What about the locals? The Greek solidarians (not volunteers), not the real grassroots in Greece? ‘Doing what the Greeks are not doing’? The second generation migrants that can play a very important role for the integration and even the smooth transit of current refugees and migrants? Do no harm principle? (Chinese shops and labour rights) Benefits to the economy (where and who benefits and who looses? 60-70% less tourist arrivals in 2016, but hotels/apatmts/car rentals full during winter) Arrogance towards police/asylum/reception, language issue, stereotyping of inefficient Greek. Facebook groups rarely include Greek names. Greece has been welcoming refugees both at the community and government level, so why continue with the negative stories? To remain. Why not int’l volunts lobby their own government to take refugees in?
THANK YOU! Fotini Rantsiou Independent Humanitarian Adviser Twitter: @Fotini Rantsiou Skype: fotinirantsiou 9 May 2017 Lesvos, Greece