Radiation-induced degradation of accelerator components/materials for FAIR “hot spots” SIS100 internal beam dump Super-FRS production target Beam catchers Foil strippers for UNILAC upgrade
Radiation-induced degradation of accelerator components/materials for FAIR understand materials failure due to extreme radiation (targets, beam catchers, collimators....) develop failure criteria provide reliable lifetime predictions develop monitor system new solution for extreme conditions In collaboration and synergy with activities at LHC (CERN), FRIB (Michigan), RIBF (RIKEN)
Characterization of ion-induced radiation damage in graphite PhD student: Christian Hubert Funding period: 1.2.2012 - 31.1.2014 Super-FRS target Objective: Investigate radiation damage and failure under intense and pulsed ion beams in graphite for of Super-FRS target; lifetime estimations Challenge: Extrapolate material behaviour exposed to high intensity FAIR beams using beam intensity available at present GSI facility Status: - Mechanism of radiation damage at MeV-GeV energies and critical doses partially understood - On-going study of ion-induced deformation and stresses; increasing beam intensities, pulsed beams - Set of bulk samples for characterization of thermo- mechanical properties degradation - irradiated Planned activities: - damage identification - mechanical stability - thermal conductivity
Thermo-mechanical calculations of ion-induced stress waves in targets and beam catchers PhD student: NN Funding period: 1.1.2013 - 31.1.2015 Thermal stress induced crack Ablation crater Objective: Use Finite Element codes for calculation of amplitude of stress waves induced by intense pulsed beams in targets and beam protection elements Challenge: Develop appropriate material models for graphite and other composite materials in extreme conditions data calc. velocity Planned activities: - couple FLUKA calculations with material models - simulation of stress wave amplitudes for different scenarios - identify critical parameters - suggest design optimization