Fit Families Fitness Implementation May 2016
Special Olympics Reach History of Fit Families Started by Special Olympics Arkansas Currently has Families/Teams all over the state Started with biological Families Moved towards any “group” of 4 people Now also in schools in residential centers At least 600 people in the state have completed the challenge
Special Olympics Reach Requirements of Fit Families Challenge is 6 weeks long Must record activity and nutrition on given logs Must have at least one person with ID in each group of 4 Family/Team must receive incentives if they complete all paperwork and do at least 4x30 min of physical activity per week Add nuttrition and pa logs
Physical Activity Log
Nutrition Log
Special Olympics Reach Requirements of Families/Teams Must assign a Challenge Coordinator Completes enrollment forms, activity and nutrition logs, journals… Communicates with SO Program Coordinator Encourages other members to continue the challenge Must complete at least 30 minutes of physical activity 4 days per week for 6 weeks. Must submit paperwork at midpoint and end of challenge Logs, journals, health data, lifestyle surveys
Requirements of Program Must collect and report data from participants Requirements are in the reporting spreadsheet Gender, height, weight, blood pressure, resting heart rate Activity minutes Lifestyle survey answers Must communicate with all Families/Teams to encourage continued participation Get incentives out in a timely manner
Start Up Packet Program Overview Enrollment Forms Commitment Cards Incentives (t-shirt and pedometer) Wellness guide/Tips Activity and Nutrition Logs Journal Template Monthly Health Newsletter
Rewards/Incentive Suggestions for rewards/incentives: Healthy Cookbook Healthy cooking materials Water bottles Physical activity equipment like frisbees, exercise bands, jump ropes, yard games, etc. **Might also want to include a certificate of completion
Questions? Contact Monica Forquer at