Personal Support Package Presentation to Synchronize group Date: June 2017 Version: 0.18
Background In the Summer Budget 2015, the Chancellor announced that the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Work Related Activity Component (WRAC) of £29.05 per week and the Universal Credit (UC) Limited Capability for Work element of £126.11 per month will be removed from April 2017 Employment and Support Allowance This change applies to new claimants only who make their claim on or after 3 April 2017 and are placed in the ESA Work Related Activity Group following a Work Capability Assessment, unless the claimant is in one of the ESA protected groups Universal Credit This change applies to Universal Credit claimants who, from 3 April 2017, are found to have Limited Capability for Work following a Work Capability Assessment. They will not get the Limited Capability for Work payment unless the claimant is in one of the Universal Credit protected groups
ESA Protected Groups Existing ESA claimants who made a claim before 3 April 2017 Claims made on or after 3 April 2017 which are backdated to before 3 April 2017 Existing ESA claimants who have a further Work Capability Assessment (re- assessment) after 3 April 2017 and are placed in the Work Related Activity Group, even if they move from the Support Group to the Work Related Activity Group Claimants who have a break in their claim and come back to ESA within 12 weeks and their original date of claim is before 3 April 2017 Claimants that are placed in the ESA Work Related Activity Group following a Mandatory Reconsideration or appeal and that claim was made before 3 April 2017 Claimants who claimed ESA before 3 April 2017 and their ESA was terminated due to receiving Maternity Allowance - who then make a repeat claim for ESA within 12 weeks of their Maternity Allowance ending Incapacity Benefit Reassessment claimants - if they are moved into the ESA Work Related Activity Group after 3 April 2017
Universal Credit Protected Groups The change will not affect, for example: Existing claimants who are getting the limited capability for work payment in Universal Credit before 3 April 2017 Existing Universal Credit claimants who make a claim before 3 April 2017 on the grounds of having a health condition or disability and are later found to have limited capability for work following a work capability assessment Existing Universal Credit claimants who have a work capability assessment or review after 3 April 2017 and are assessed as having limited capability for work – this include claimants who were previously found to have limited capability for work and work-related activity and who, following that review, are now found to have limited capability for work. Existing claimants who made their claim to Universal Credit before 3 April 2017 and are found fit for work, who request a mandatory reconsideration or appeal and are then found to have limited capability for work.
Background The Improving Lives: The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper was developed jointly by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Department of Health and sets out this Personal Support Package for people with health conditions and disabilities We want people with health conditions and disabilities to have the same opportunity to benefit from the positive effects that work can have, focusing on what they can do instead of what they cannot The Government has announced a new Personal Support Package that will deliver tailored support to people through jobcentre work coaches. This package will start from Spring 2017 Two new elements to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claim process are also being introduced for new ESA claimants: The ESA mandatory health and work conversation will support claimants with health conditions at an early stage in their ESA claim An ESA Claimant Commitment that will align the ESA new claims process with the Universal Credit model
Personal Support Package New Initiatives Small Employer Offer Journey to Employment (J2E) Mental Health Training for work coaches Community Partners Changes to contracted provision Work Choice Work and Health Programme Specialist Employability Support (SES) Access to Work
Personal Support Package Employment and Support Allowance claims process – new elements ESA Health and Work Conversation ESA – Claimant Commitment
Personal Support Package - eligible claimants Claimant Group ESA WRAG ESA Support Group UC LCW Community Partners Small Employer Offer Journey to Employment Job Clubs Work Choice Work & Health Programme Specialist Employability Support Access to Work JCP Led Specialist Employability Support 1 Specialist Advice 1 Local Supported Employment 1 Young Persons Supported Work Experience 1 Intensive WRAG Support Trial 1 1 Proofs of concept
New initiatives
New initiatives Community Partners A new Community Partner role is being introduced in Jobcentre Plus districts The role will vary and will depend upon the needs of claimants in the local area Community Partners will give advice and support to work coaches and Disability Employment Advisers in all areas of disability. They will also give awareness of the effect a person’s disability can have on finding and keeping a job Community Partners will promote the services available through external contractors to jobcentre staff and employers Community Partners will also support Jobcentre Plus Partnership Teams by using their local knowledge and networks to identify local support and access to a wide range of local job opportunities
New initiatives Small Employer Offer The Small Employer Offer gives Jobcentre Plus the extra opportunity to connect with small local employers to raise awareness of the support available to them when employing a person with a long term health condition or disability A new Small Employer Adviser role will oversee local small employer engagement and will coach jobcentre colleagues if needed. The Small Employer Adviser will support work coaches to develop and provide in-work support for small employers and their new employees. Small Employer Advisers will work with people to understand their job aspirations, accessibility needs and any issues that may affect their ability to find work. The Small Employer Offer is made up of several parts: Working with small employers to develop and maintain relationships Ensuring that the correct person is referred to a vacancy or work experience opportunity Supporting employers and their employees when completing Access to Work applications E
New initiatives Journey to Employment The Journey to Employment job club will give people with a health condition or disability the opportunity to attend a peer supported job club At the job club, people will be able to plan their support, for example identifying and developing personal action plans, support in managing their condition/s, improving their confidence and developing new skills Each job club will be delivered by either a Disabled People’s User Led Organisation or a Voluntary Sector Organisation A Community Employment Specialist will work in the job club and the jobcentre to support referring people to the job club and make sure that participants receive a consistent package of support The job clubs will be based in the 71 Jobcentre Plus areas that have the highest number of people receiving ESA
Mental Health Training for work coaches New initiatives Mental Health Training for work coaches The percentage of working age disabled people who have a mental health condition is 37% and the percentage of working age disabled people with a mental health condition who are in work is 32%* We will provide our work coaches with extra training to give them the knowledge and confidence to support people with a mental health condition The training will help work coaches to: Speak confidently to people with a mental health condition Be aware of how a person’s mental health condition can affect their ability to work or look for work Talk to a claimant about what support is available and the benefits of that support Increase the work coach’s confidence in engaging with and supporting employers about mental health issues *Labour Force Survey disabled statistics, Improving Lives: The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper
Changes and extensions to provision
Work Choice in England and Wales Changes and extensions to provision Work Choice in England and Wales Work Choice is a voluntary employment programme designed specifically for people who, due to their disability, may find it difficult to find or keep a job Work Choice is delivered for DWP by external contractors and has effectively provided support, with job outcome rates seeing a steady improvement since the programme was introduced From 3 April 2017 extra places on Work Choice are being funded for people who have limited capability for work and are not eligible for the Work Related Activity Component in ESA or the additional payment for having limited capability for work in Universal Credit who will be work ready within 12 months. Referrals to the Work Programme and the current Work Choice are scheduled to end in April 2017. A new Work and Health programme is due to start in Autumn 2017.
Specialist Employability Support Changes and extensions to provision Specialist Employability Support Specialist Employability Support is a two year programme that was introduced in October 2015. DWP is currently considering an extension to the programme and what support is required in the future From 3 April 2017, extra places will be available to people who have limited capability for work and are not eligible for the Work Related Activity Component in ESA or the additional payment in for having limited capability for work in Universal Credit Specialist Employability Support helps people who have a disability or health condition and complex support needs; and Work Choice or Work Programme are not suitable options Specialist Employability Support has two support options: Main provision – intensive employment focused support for people with complex employment needs, that are likely to take more than two – three months to resolve Start Back – shorter term provision to help disabled people prepare to move into other support or move directly into work
Changes and extensions to provision Access to Work Access to Work gives financial support to help eligible people with a health condition or disability start work or stay in work. Currently, people with a mental health condition can get six months of support via the Mental Health Support Service. As part of the Personal Support Package, there will be an extra 1000 Mental Health Support Service places for claimants in the ESA Work Related Activity Group and for those with limited capability for work in Universal Credit to help them start work or stay in work A marketing campaign is taking place to make people aware of the extra support available
Employment and Support Allowance claims process – new elements ESA Changes Employment and Support Allowance claims process – new elements Also included in the Improving Lives: The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper is the introduction of two new elements to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claims process: A mandatory health and work conversation, which is a type of work focused interview, specifically designed for ESA claimants to take place before their Work Capability Assessment at around week four of their claim. The health and work conversation will be rolled out incrementally from March 2017, roll out to be completed by September 2017 An ESA Claimant Commitment is a condition of entitlement to ESA for new claims to existing benefits and will set out the expectations and legal requirements that claimants will be required to accept in order to receive ESA. The mandatory ESA Claimant Commitment element, is expected to be in place nationally from summer 2017
Employment and Support Allowance – Health and Work Conversation (HWC) ESA Changes Employment and Support Allowance – Health and Work Conversation (HWC) Health and work conversations will be mandatory for the majority of claimants – subject to exemptions. The health and work conversation will support claimants with health conditions at an early stage in their ESA claim, with conversations being held at around week-4 During the health and work conversation the work coach will work through a Health and Work Conversation booklet with the claimant to agree an action plan. All actions agreed between the work coach and the claimant will be voluntary To protect vulnerable claimants, operational instructions will be issued explaining that it is not mandatory for claimants to attend the health and work conversation, if their circumstances deem that it would not be appropriate Work coaches will have the flexibility to defer the health and work conversation if the claimant cannot attend due to their circumstances. If a claimant fails to attend the health and work conversation or fails to participate without good cause, a sanction will be applied and their ESA may be reduced