May 2012 Generation Resource Energy and Regulation Deployment Performance QMWG 6/8/2012
NON-IRR GREDP – Energy Deployments Resources below 85% threshold QSE Name Resource Name Fuel Type Total Intervals Passed Total Intervals Scored Std Dev(GREDP MW) GREDP Monthly Score <QSE1> <RESOURCE NAME> SCLE90 46 58 5.73 79.31 <QSE2> 15 18 8.03 83.33
IRR GREDP Resources below 95% threshold Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 < 10 Intervals 13 19 9 >=10<100 Intervals 16 4 7 >=100<500 Intervals >=500 Intervals 10 11 Weighted Averaged GREDP * 92.8% 91.2% 91.9% Weighted Average Deviation * 5.6MWs 5.4MWs 6.6MWs Total Intervals 30,532 22,073 19,286 * Includes all WGRs (not just failures)
March IRR Failures QSE Name Resource Name Total Intervals Passed Total Intervals Scored Std Dev (ATG-Exp MW) GREDP Monthly Score <QSE NAME> <RESOURCE NAME> 990 1,114 22.24 88.87 725 1,021 10.41 71.01 789 894 6.9 88.26 749 852 6.85 87.91 740 788 5.86 93.91 658 2.42 88.92 690 735 6.14 93.88 683 723 2.14 94.47 646 692 1.91 93.35 605 679 0.89 89.1 610 676 0.83 90.24 277 375 6.18 73.87 184 267 18.62 68.91 85 167 12.98 50.9 126 163 17.72 77.3 32 45 2.1 71.11
March IRR Failures (continued) QSE Name Resource Name Total Intervals Passed Total Intervals Scored Std Dev (ATG-Exp MW) GREDP Monthly Score <QSE NAME> <RESOURCE NAME> 33 40 4.57 82.5 28 31 3.33 90.32 14 23 6.01 60.87 17 20 8 85 18 7.16 90 9 12 8.92 75 2 7 1.8 28.57 3 4 15.54 1 7.84 33.33 1.16 6.04 50 6.94 2.41
GREDP Scenario Analysis NON-IRRs >= 85% < 85% % Passing 5 MW 257 65 79.81% 10 MW 300 12 96.15% 5 MW - 5% 312 10 96.89% 15 MW 321 1 99.69% 8MW - 8% (Current) 320 2 99.38% Exclusions - No Freq Dev 319 3 99.07% IRRs >= 95% < 95% % Passing 10% - 1 MW when BP = 0 (Current) 24 31 43.64% 5 MW - 5% - low side - 95% 18 37 32.73% 8 MW - 8% - low side - 95% 21 34 38.18% 8 MW - 8% - low side - 85% 32 23 58.18% Exclusions - No Freq Dev 41.82%
Manual HDL/LDL Override Summary QMWG
Daily Summary Graph For this analysis, we captured unique HDL/LDL overrides An override is considered unique if that same Resource did not have an override within the last 10 minutes There were 8 total unique overrides in May As compared to 1 in April and 27 in March
Daily Summary Table Date Total Number of Overrides Number of Resources with an Override Number of Unique HDL/LDL Overrides May 1, 2012 89 1 2 May 2, 2012 May 3, 2012 May 4, 2012 May 5, 2012 May 6, 2012 May 7, 2012 May 8, 2012 May 9, 2012 May 10, 2012 May 11, 2012 May 12, 2012 May 13, 2012 May 14, 2012 May 15, 2012 May 16, 2012 63 3 May 17, 2012 May 18, 2012 May 19, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 21, 2012 May 22, 2012 May 23, 2012 May 24, 2012 May 25, 2012 May 26, 2012 May 27, 2012 May 28, 2012 May 29, 2012 May 30, 2012 109 May 31, 2012
Reasons for Manual HDL/LDL Overrides Outages required overrides as a result of local voltage issues Also had voltage issues resulting from a severe storm The following constraint had SCED executions counted towards irresolvability: XMOS58 : ODNTH_FMR1 This constraint has not met the criteria for resetting the shadow price cap