Intercultural Communication Competence Kemampuan Komunikasi Antar Budaya The topic of intercultural competence became more and more important during the past years: globalisation and worldwide contacts between companies, organizations and individuals need the ability to communicate in a successful way. Basic needs are sensitivity and self-consciousness: the understanding of other behaviours and ways of thinking as well as the ability to express one’s own point of view in a transparent way with the aim to be understood and respected by staying flexible where this is possible, and being clear and transparent where this is necessary.
WHY it is needed? as the basic ability for any interaction! It is not only necessary to have social skills, but also to improve the SENSITIVITY and UNDERSTANDING for other VALUES, views, ways of living and thinking, as well as being self-conscious in transferring one’s own values and views in a clear, but appropriate way. helps understanding others and ACHIEVING GOALS.
Noun: A person’s principles or standard of behavior; One’s judgment of what is important in life Synonyms: principles, ethics, moral code, morals, standards, code of behavior Will explain more about ethics’ definition: refereeing to customs and/or habits; it is what we believe to be right and wrong. To be competent in engaging with other societies we need to first understand their moral code, and be able to see what other believe is right and wrong and becoming empathetic to this even if we do not share the same understanding.
What are your values? What are your ethics? Activities: Each member will make their own list (separate attachment). Also create values for Salomi Tour & Travel
Culture hides much more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants. Years of study have convinced me that the real job is not to understand foreign culture but to understand our own. –Edward Hall- “The Silent Language”
Culture: Iceberg Model Here, I will ask each member for their opinion and explain briefly about this model.
Culture: Iceberg Model
Geert Hofstede cultural dimensions Will share the explanation of each dimension and share the diagrams from Aliona presentation
What is Communication? “The process by which one person stimulates meaning in the mind of another through verbal and non-verbal messages.” –McCroskey (1998) “Interaction that builds connections between people that help them to understand each other and to recognize common interests.” –Zarefsky (1999)
What is Intercultural Communication? “Symbolic exchange process whereby individuals from two (or more) different cultural communities negotiate shared meanings in an interactive situation.” – Ting Toomey (1999)
What is Intercultural Communication Competence? The ability for successful communication with people of other culture. The understanding of other behaviors and ways of thinking as well as the ability to express one’s own point of view in a transparent way with the aim to be understood and respected by staying flexible where this is possible, and being clear and transparent where this is necessary.
Intercultural Communication Competence Components: Attitude Awareness Knowledge Skills
Discussion Important points in each component What is the base for intercultural competence? Why? What are the steps to develop intercultural competence? Where do you start?
Evaluation What does it mean to be competence? How would you evaluate your own competence?