In RE we will be learning about the Jewish Passover.


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Presentation transcript:

In RE we will be learning about the Jewish Passover. Term 3 2017 In English we will be explaining how and why earthquakes and volcanoes happen and focusing on writing complex sentences As a class we will also be reading a book called Flood and developing our inference skills. Our focus this term in maths is on numbers and how our number system works. We will be exploring place value and Roman numerals as well as fractions and decimals. In geography we will look at the make up of planet Earth and see where earthquakes and volcanoes occur. Oreo cookies will come in useful for looking at plate tectonics! Our focus in science is electricity where we will look to make electrical circuits and switches. In DT we will look at designing and building an earthquake-proof structure using cocktail sticks and marshmallows! We will test it on a bed of jelly. In Art we will explore Hokusai’s Great Wave off Kanagawa and try and replicate our own great waves through printing. Dates for your diary: Home learning should be in on Monday 6th February. Home learning exhibition from 2.30pm on Wednesday 8th February. This will also be an opportunity to answer any questions you might have about the Year 4 residential (27/28 February). For our PE this term we will playing netball and creating volcano dances. In RE we will be learning about the Jewish Passover.