The Atmosphere!!!
Atmospheric Composition **What is the atmosphere made of?** Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (21%) Water vapor (0.0% – 0.4%) Trace gases (0.01%) * neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, ozone, xenon Also made of 3 solids: 1.) Dust 2.) Salt 3.) Ice
O-O-O O3 = ozone Absorbs UV Rays from the sun What happens from this absorption? “Good ozone” keeps the harmful UV rays from burning our skin (exists way up in the stratosphere “Bad ozone” exists at ground level from CFCs and other harmful chemicals (smog) **Hole in the ozone layer – near polar region: allowing harmful UV rays into our atmosphere
"Holey" Ozone!!! This is a picture taken from NOAA on May 4, 2006. The ozone layer is blue and the areas of depletion are in green, yellow, orange, and red.
"Holey" Ozone!!! Yet another picture of the depletion of ozone around the poles. This is the south pole.
Layers of the Atmosphere 1.) Troposphere (0-10 km) -contains most of the mass of the atm. -where weather takes place (pollution collects) 2.) Stratosphere (10-50 km) -made up mostly of concentrated ozone 3.) Mesosphere (50-100 km) -no concentrated ozone 4.) Thermosphere (100-500 km) -temperature increases to 1000°C 5.) Exosphere (500 km and on…) -outermost layer, helium and hydrogen are found here, no clear boundary between this layer and “outer space”
Open to page 274 and draw figure 11-3 in your notes. More drawings!!! Open to page 274 and draw figure 11-3 in your notes.
I'm walkin on... RADIATION!!! *Only 50% of sun’s radiation is absorbed by Earth’s surface *25% reflected from clouds *15% absorbed by atmosphere *6% reflected by the atmosphere *4% reflected from Earth’s surface *DARKER OBJECTS ABSORB ENERGY FASTER THAN LIGHT ONES*
Conduction *transfer of energy - occurs when things collide* Example: When you place a pot of water on a burner, energy is transferred from the bottom of the pot into the lowest part of the water.
Convection 1.) Air expands when it gets warm 2.) It rises. 3.) When it gets high enough into the atmosphere, it cools. 4.) When it cools, it sinks.
Atmospheric Relationships COPY DOWN TABLE 11-2 ON PAGE 280 IN YOUR NOTES!!!
Earth, ________, and Fire Page 282: Let’s READ!!! Cool air is more dense, it sinks, and forces warm (less dense) air up out of the way! Air moves because of density imbalances created by the unequal heating and cooling of the Earth’s surface.
**Amount of vapor water in the air** Hot and HUMID! **Amount of vapor water in the air** In your notes, perform the problem-solving lab on page 283 in your notes.