The flavor you can't forget El Diablo The flavor you can't forget
About El Diablo 16 oz. can (one size for all) 2 flavors: Strawberry Banana Punch & Tropical Thunder Contains all organic and healthy ingredients Sold at all major retail stores Cost is $1.99
Can design
Beginning of energy drinks Became popular in early 2000’s People liked the boost of energy New on the “drink scene” Very unhealthy for some
Top Five Energy Drinks Currently Red Bull Thailand 2.29 Monster United States 2.50 Rockstar United States 2.49 Amp United States 3.50 NOS United States 2.50
Slogan “The flavor you cant forget” It is unique and not like any other flavor out there.
Marketing Techniques Promotion Selling samples at major retail stores (such as Sam’s Club) Advertising Will take place mostly online and through social media (Facebook pages and promotional tweets)
Our Target Since energy drinks are most common with teenagers, that’s where we will strive to aim to. Their gratification is what’s most important. Creating fun, fruity flavors will make them like it even more.