S3 Curricular Pathway INFORMATION EVENING Monday 30 January 2017
Preparing for the Senior Phase How Parents Can Help? Talking with your child about how they are getting on in Dunblane High and what subjects they enjoy and feel they can achieve success with. Talking about their options and encouraging them to start thinking about what they might like to do in the future. Generally it’s a good idea to encourage them to keep their options as open as possible. They may already have some ideas about what they want to do in the future, but these could change. And, for many young people it’s still too early to have specific career ideas or interests.
Preparing for the Senior Phase How Parents Can Help? If there are any family members, neighbours or friends that have careers that may be of interest to your child, encourage them to ask questions of them about their careers or if there is an opportunity for some work experience or visit to their workplace. Encourage them to talk to their subject teachers, Pupil Support PT and careers adviser if they need more information or if they have any worries about their subject choices. Encourage them to choose subjects in which they demonstrate an aptitude.
Frequently asked questions Should I choose a subject because my friends are choosing it? Should I choose a subject because I like the teacher? Should I choose a subject because I need it for the job I want to do? Should I choose a subject because I’m good at it or because I like it? Can I change courses in S4 if I find I don’t like my first choice? Can I choose subjects in S5 or S6 that I did not choose in S4?
Mrs Wilkinson SQA Coordinator
7 NATIONAL COURSES (SCQF Level 5) SQA NATIONAL COURSES In 2017 our new S4 pupils will be entered for; 7 NATIONAL COURSES (SCQF Level 5) The previous course assessment approach requires candidates to complete internally assessed National Units (usually 3 in total) and a course assessment, which is normally an examination question paper and/or coursework. Removing the units and unit assessments means that the SQA need to strengthen the course assessments to maintain 24 credit points and protect the integrity of National courses.
SQA Assessment Arrangements – the changes? Extension of existing question paper Extension of existing item of coursework A new question paper A new item of coursework There is no change to aims, rationale or content of courses.
SQA Assessment Arrangements – the changes? What are the Implications? National Course What are the Implications? Timeline National 5 Removal of units/unit assessments No change to content Possible extension of grades below C No more RPA default N5-N4 N5 -2017/18 Higher -2018/19 Adv H – 2019/20 National 4 There are currently no planned changes to National 4 courses. Courses will remain internally assessed on a pass or fail basis Not applicable
Mr Boyce DHT Pupil Support
We would recommend that students choose subjects that they enjoy and in which they are doing well. For more information visit: www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk www.myworldofwork.co.uk www.sqa.org.uk www.planitplus.net/schoolzone
Possible Progression Pathways Advanced Higher Higher National 5 National 4 National 3
S4 PERIOD ALLOCATION English x 5 Mathematics x 5 Other FIVE N5 Options x 4 Core PE x 1 Core RME x 1 PSHE x 1 TOTAL = 33 PERIODS
Mrs Sutherland S3 Pupil Support
Planning for the S4 Senior Phase: 2016-17 DATE ACTIVITY Wk begin 3 October S3 Subject Survey Wk begin 7 November S3 Interim Reports to Parents Wk begin 24 November Senior Phase Options’ Form Draft 1 issued. Wk begin 1 December Senior Phase Options’ Form & Options Booklet finalised Friday 20 December S3 Reports to parents Thursday 22 December Christmas Holiday begins Thursday 5 January 2017 Term begins January All S3 Pupils have individual meeting with Careers Advisor Wednesday 25 January S3 PARENTS’ Evening Monday 30 January S3 PARENTS’ OPTION INFORMATION EVENING Wednesday 1 February & Thursday 2 February S3 Options interview Monday 8 May S4 SENIOR PHASE BEGINS ~ new timetable for whole school
S3 OPTIONS INTERVIEWS McCarron Room Wed 1 Feb 9.07 – 9.56 3K1 GIRLS 9.56 – 10.45 3K1 BOYS 11.00 – 11.48 3K2 GIRLS 11.48 – 12.36 3K2 BOYS 12.36– 13.24 3R1 GIRLS 14.04 – 14.52 3R1 BOYS Thurs 2 Feb 9.07 – 9.56 3R2 GIRLS 9.56– 10.45 3R2 BOYS 11.00- 11.48 3S1 GIRLS 11.48– 12.36 3S1 BOYS 12.36 – 13.24 3S2 GIRLS 14.04 – 15.04 3S2 BOYS Pupils should meet their parents in the Reception.