Efficient manufacturing in Lithuania via LINPRA (engineering industry association) & ARGINTA GROUP outlook WLEF (Manufacturing) Chicago, 2012 09 21 Tomas Jaskelevicius LINPRA, Board Member ARGINTA GROUP, Business Development
LINPRA The sector of the engineering industries is the biggest sector of the manufacturing industries in Lithuania, amounting over 20 % share of the Gross Value Added (GVA). About half of the sector's GVA is generated by the members of the LINPRA association. Number of members: over 110 (including all major companies of the sector) Membership: The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists; European Engineering Industries Association ORGALIME; Council of European Employers for the Metal, Engineering and Technology based industries CEEMET.
Number of direct employees: ARGINTA GROUP Performance 2007 => 2011 Number of direct employees: 100 220 Number of Customers: 600 15 Number of suppliers 300 120 Turnover increased 400%
Main activities 1. Metal processing – welding & assembly 60% total turnover 99% export (EU) 2. Project management – waste water treatment 30% total turnover 30% export market (RU, BY, KZ) 3. Renewable energy – solar energy 10% total turnover 100% local market
Product distribution from LT
Exports from Lithuania
Competition advantages Dry veneer processing 1. Complex solutions – target oriented engineering staff 2. Manufacturing is over 15% of GDP – enables to built supplier base in all sectors 3. Reduction of delivery times – saving required cash investments 4. Lithuanian environment – easy access to qualified labor. Over 40.000 students graduating colleges and university every year 5. Comparable lower costs for the same competence as in old EU member countries. Easy growth potential Panel lay-up and pressing Panel processing
Free economical zones Capital Vilnius No corporate tax for 6 years (Regular corporate tax in Lithuania 15%) 50% discount on corporate tax for the 10 following years No real estate tax No land tax No tax on dividends EU financial incentives available Capital Vilnius
Fast change - New services ARGINTA product/service evolution: 2006 => steel cutting 2007-2009 => welding 2010-2011 => assembly/complete equipments 2012 => designing/SCM 2013-2014 => “Key solution”(project => installation WorldWide) 2015 => “Manufacturing technology partner”
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