Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
Authors are influenced by the times in which they live Authors are influenced by the times in which they live. Mary Shelley was influenced by two philosophies (ideas) of the early 1800’s. Her novel, Frankenstein, shows these influences. One was the literary movement known as “Romanticism.” The other was known as the “Gothic” novel.
A special style of literature popular in the early 1800’s. Romanticism A special style of literature popular in the early 1800’s. Characteristics: Emphasis on imagination, emotions, and introspection (examining one’s conscience) Celebrates nature and ordinary people Highlights freedom of spirit Encourages adventure and the individual
Beliefs of the Romanticists Man is born good. Nature is good. Following nature’s laws gave humans true freedom. Society is evil. The rules that society made did not allow humans to be free.
The Gothic Novel Early horror stories were part of the Romantic Movement. Special style of literature developed in the 18th century Characteristics: setting: gloomy, dark, decaying old castles and houses; stark, rocky, or barren landscapes
The Gothic Novel Characteristics: Character: The main character is tortured by inner conflict based in guilt. The main character is not easily understood by others. The main character is overly emotional in his/her responses to other characters and events in the plot.