This document may be reproduced for educational purposes. More Than Just Routine Janet Gonzalez-Mena Intisar Shareef Developed by Janet Gonzalez-Mena and Intisar Shareef. © 2017, WestEd, The Program for Infant/Toddler Care. This document may be reproduced for educational purposes.
Outline of Session Introductions Key Concepts Pre-test Video Clip: Personal Care Routines Goals Hands-on Exercise: Holding Babies Experiential Exercise: Feeding Discussion of Cultural Concepts of Independence & Interdependence
Outline (continued) Video Excerpts: It’s Not Just Routine Diapering Break Small Group Exercise: Key Concepts and Strategies to Teach Them Interview Exercise: Personal Perspectives on Routines Wrap up and Evaluation
Key Concepts Cultural differences affect caregiving routines Early experiences (family and culture) have an influence on attitudes and practices Health and safety must always be considered when carrying out routines
Key Concepts (continued) Routines are curriculum Effective routines take the infant’s point of view into account Routines provide optimum time for developing relationships It’s important to individualize routines
Pre-Test Represent the term “curriculum” in infant-toddler programs by: Writing a definition Making a list of words Creating a poem Drawing a symbol or picture Inventing a movement or gesture Or any other means of representation
DVD: California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations Disc: 2 Clip: Understanding of Personal Care Routines
Goals To expose you to the content of a Routines Workshop, ways of teaching the subject matter, and the use of the PITC materials. To help develop the understanding that caregiving times are opportunities for focused one-on-one interactions.
Goals (continued) To help develop an understanding that caregiving routines are connected to cultural and family values which need to be respected. To explore how tensions can develop in a program because of different approaches to caregiving routines. To relate the content of this workshop to issues of equity and social justice. To leave you with some questions…
Feeding Questions How was this exercise for you? Did you learn anything? Were there any trust issues? Did any health issues come up? How did the setting affect your experience? Did you have any new insights on feeding infants and toddlers?
Carol Brunson Phillips and Renatta Cooper Feeding has patterns of meaning that are shared by and embodied in the lifestyles of a larger group. Carol Brunson Phillips and Renatta Cooper
Patricia Greenfield quote about patterns of meaning and culture-specific belief systems such as people as independent individuals and people as members of groups
Na’im Akbar quote about Interdependence from The Community of Self. We move our attention away from the individual concepts of the child and view the child more significantly in terms of its collective membership in the community of the African-American people … Individual actions attain their significance by the degree to which those actions further or hinder the good of the community.
The goals of human development – what is regarded as mature or desirable – vary considerably… - Barbara Rogoff
See other handouts Resource list Diversity and Infant/Toddler Caregiving (article) Also check out Further Resources
DVD: It’s Not Just Routine Clip: Diapering
Small Group Exercise: Key Concepts and Strategies to Teach Them
Small Group Exercise You have one chapter of the Routines Guide to focus on. Pick one key concept from that chapter. Think up one strategy for teaching that key concept. Be prepared to briefly share the key concept and the strategy.
Excerpts from the Head Start Program Performance Standards Nutritional services …Must implement a nutrition program that meets the nutritional requirements of each child…must serve a variety of foods which consider cultural and ethnic preferences
Excerpts from the Head Start Program Performance Standards Nutritional services Parents and appropriate agencies must be involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating the agencies’ nutritional services
Excerpts from the Head Start Program Performance Standards Nutritional services All toddlers and preschool children and assigned classroom staff, including volunteers, eat together Family Style
Whose family? Whose style?
Interview Exercise: Personal Perspectives on Routines
Interview Questions What associations, memories, feelings, or experiences do caregiving routines bring up for you? Consider collective associations – present as well as historical along with looking at your own individual associations. Do you have some issues around caregiving routines? Do you have blind spots, hot buttons, or particular perspectives around routines? If yes, of what importance or significance are these to you work as a trainer? How does your discussion of your feelings or issues better prepare you to train parents or staff?
Wrap up and Evaluation
The end