Fourth District PTA Reflections Art Program
PTA Reflections PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the 2017-2018 theme: WITHIN REACH
Encourages students of all ages to: Unleash creative talents and be inspired Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork Experience the fun and joy of making art Tap into critical-thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.
Reflections Checklist Download the 17-18 PTA Reflections Local Leaders Guide Start the Reflections Program Organize and Plan the Program Promote Reflections Program Recruit Participants Organize Artwork for Judging Celebrate and Recognize the Participants Wrap Up Reflections Program
This box is to be completed by PTA before distribution. PTA LEADER NAME___________________________________ EMAIL________________________________ PHONE____________________ PTA ID __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ PTA NAME______________________________________________________ STATE ____________________ COUNCIL PTA___________________________ DISTRICT PTA__________________________ REGION PTA_____________________________ MEMBER DUES PAID DATE ________________ INSURANCE PAID DATE__________________ BYLAWS APPROVAL DATE__________________ . PTA LEADER NAME___________________________________ EMAIL________________________________ PHONE____________________ PTA ID __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ PTA NAME______________________________________________________ STATE ____________________ COUNCIL PTA___________________________ DISTRICT PTA__________________________ REGION PTA_____________________________ MEMBER DUES PAID DATE ________________ INSURANCE PAID DATE__________________ BYLAWS APPROVAL DATE__________________ STUDENT NAME_________________________________________ GRADE_________ AGE________ GENDER (optional) _________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME________________________________ EMAIL______________________ PHONE___________________ MAILING ADDRESS_______________________________________ CITY________________________ STATE ________ ZIP________ Ownership in any submission shall remain the property of the entrant, but entry into this program constitutes entrant’s irrevocable permission and consent that PTA may display, copy, reproduce, enhance, print, sublicense, publish, distribute and create derivative works for PTA purposes. PTA is not responsible for lost or damaged entries. Submission of entry into the PTA Reflections program constitutes acceptance of all rules and conditions. I agree to the above statement and the National PTA Reflections Official Rules. STUDENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ___________________________ GRADE DIVISION (Check One) ARTS CATEGORY (Check One) PRIMARY (Preschool- Grade 2) HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12) DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY MUSIC COMPOSITION INTERMEDIATE (Grades 3-5) SPECIAL ARTIST (All Grades) FILM PRODUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8) LITERATURE VISUAL ARTS TITLE OF ARTWORK __________________________________________________________________________________________ ARTWORK DETAILS (Dance/Film: cite background music; Music: musician(s)/instrumentation; Literature: word count; Photo/Visual Arts: materials & dimensions) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ARTIST STATEMENT (Must be 10 to 100 words describing your work and how it relates to the theme) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
Recruiting Participants Send a PTA summer email with “Looking for something to do over the summer?” or “Get a head start on PTA Reflections entries” Have a table with entry forms and examples of past artwork. Do you have a video presentation of last years winners? Get your flier out in the first day packet. Send a letter to each of your teachers and librarian asking for their support and involvement. Ask Literature teachers, photography club or art instructors to use WITHIN REACH as a prompt. Talk about the program at your school: In the classroom, at Back to School Night, during an existing assembly, at your talent show. Host a Reflections afterschool/evening event and ask local professionals to instruct students on Animation, Dance Choreography, Photography, Music Composition, Poetry, Screenwriting, Drawing, Painting, Jewelry, Kites, Wind Chimes.
Entry Requirements • Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the current year’s theme WITHIN REACH may be submitted. • Each entry must be the original work of one student only. An adult may not alter the creative integrity of a student’s work. Because the program is designed to encourage and recognize each student’s individual creativity, help from an adult or collaboration with other students is not allowed except in the Special Artist Division. Only one student may be recognized as the award recipient for each entry. Other individuals may appear in or perform a student’s work, but the work itself must be the creative product of one student only. See the specific Arts Category Rules for details. • Each entry must contain a title and all entries must include an artist statement. The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. The statement must include at least one sentence, but may not exceed 100 words. • Entries will be judged on how well the student uses his or her artistic vision to portray the theme, originality and creativity. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited, except for recorded music in dance choreography and film production entries. Plagiarized entries will be disqualified. Use of PowerPoint presentations are prohibited because most graphic elements are copyrighted.
CA. Dance. Primary. Smith. Jane. Entries Must Include Completed Entry Form Photography and Visual Arts: secured to the back entry with masking tape Dance, Film, Literature and Music: placed in a 9x13 envelope with form attached to the front. Each entry must be labeled on the back of each art piece with your State, Arts Category, Grade Division, Last Name, First Name. For example: CA. Dance. Primary. Smith. Jane.
Label Format CA. Dance. Primary. Smith. Jane.
Cataloging Entries Age Grade Division Art Category First Last School/Unit Title of Entry Artist Statement 7 Primary Visual Arts Emery C Eader Elem. Love the Life! Enjoy your life! Spread happiness everywhere, and treat animals with kindness. That’s what I do! 9 Intermediate 12 Middle 15 High 16 Special Artist Photography
Students may submit PTA Reflections entries in more than one category Arts Categories Students may submit PTA Reflections entries in more than one category Dance Choreography, Film production, Literature, Music composition, Photography Visual arts.
Grade Divisions Primary: Preschool-Grade 2; Intermediate: Grades 3-5; Middle School: Grades 6-8; High School: Grades 9-12; Special Artist: All grades welcome.
Dance Choreography Accepted styles include solo/ensemble include: ballet, contemporary, ethnic and folk, hip hop, jazz and tap. Choreographer may be the performer, or one of the performers, but does not have to be. Video recording must not exceed 5 minutes Must be less than 1GB (one gigabyte) in file size. Accepted file formats include: AVI, QuickTime (.mov), MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg, .mp4), Windows Media (.wmv), and Flash Video (.flv, .f4v).
Film Production Accepted forms include: Animation, narrative, documentary, experimental, or a media presentation (PowerPoint is prohibited). Entrant must be the director, screenwriter, and camera person including all storyboarding and editing. Video recording must not exceed 5 minutes Must be less than 1GB (one gigabyte) in file size. Accepted file formats include: AVI, QuickTime (.mov), MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg, .mp4), Windows Media (.wmv), and Flash Video (.flv, .f4v).
Literature Accepted forms of fiction and nonfiction include: Prose, poetry, drama (screen play and play script), reflective essay, narrative, and short story. Entry must not exceed 2,000 words and must be handwritten or typed; one side only. Students for whom English is not their first language may submit literature entries in their own language. An interpretive translation in English must accompany the entry. Accepted formats include: Single-sided print on 8 ½ x 11 paper, or PDF (.pdf) file format.
Music Composition All instruments, sounds, styles and combinations are accepted. Copyrighted material is prohibited. The composer may be the performer, or one of the performers, but does not have to be a performer. Notation, score or tablature is required for middle and high school division. Audio recording must not exceed 5 minutes. Accepted file formats include: MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV, ACC (M4A) and FLAC formats. Music videos are not accepted.
Photography Accepted forms of photography include: A single photo, panoramic, photomontage (one seamless print of multiple original photos), a multiple exposure, negative sandwich or photogram. Original black-and-white and color images are accepted. Entries with added graphics over the image, including lettering are not accepted. Entrant must be the one to take the photograph. Must not exceed 11x14 inches, including matting. Mount on sturdy material such as cardboard or poster board. Accepted formats include: Matted print, or high resolution digital photo (.jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp).
Visual Arts Accepted forms include: Architecture (2D/3D), carpentry, ceramics, collages, photographic collages (multiple photos cut/pasted), computer-generated image, crafts, design, dioramas, drawing, fiber work, jewelry, kites, metal etching/punch work, mobiles, painting, printmaking, sculpture and wind chimes. 2D artwork must not exceed 24x30 inches including matting. Framed entries are not accepted. Paper entries must be mounted on sturdy material. 3D works must be able to move for display purposes. Must include packaging materials and three (3) high resolution photos of the entry for judging and ID purposes.
Reflections Judging WITHIN REACH Volunteer arts and education experts review submissions without knowledge of the entrants’ identity. Judges look for personal interpretations on the program theme that best exemplify creativity and technical skill. Interpretation: How closely the piece relates to the theme, based on the artwork itself and the artist statement. Creativity: How creative and original the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation. Technique: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the arts area. See the 17-18 Reflections Reviewer Packet WITHIN REACH for detailed information including rubric, how to score entries, score sheet, judges instructions, etc
Reflections Awards Award of Excellence Award of Merit Honorable Mention Award of Participation Every student entry should be recognized! Trophies, Medals, Ribbons, Certificates, Etc. Consider the awards at the Council and District Level before finalizing your purchases.
Reflections Celebration The PTA Reflections Celebration is a powerful tool for encouraging students to explore and be involved in the arts. Parents and community leaders are welcomed into the school to discover the rich culture and artistic skills presented by student artists. An art exhibit with live student performances and an awards ceremony will showcase the importance of arts education in your school. During the PTA Reflections Celebration, families will: • Recognize their child’s participation and achievement in the arts. • Discover new opportunities to stay involved in their child’s learning through the arts. • Understand how arts programs provide necessary educational benefits and share their positive experiences with school and community leaders.
Why Is Student Recognition Important? Celebrating student learning provides an opportunity for schools and families to connect with each other and to their community. When PTAs and schools celebrate the arts together, all families feel welcomed into the school and are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s learning. Research shows positive recognition and engaged families attribute to higher rates of student success. Celebration events also serve as a platform for communicating the importance of arts education in your school. Ensure school leaders, policy makers and community leaders recognize the value of learning through the arts.
Steps for Planning Your Celebration Build your team to discuss the objectives for this event, as well as plan event logistics (e.g., space, time, date, promotion). Decorate the school with student artwork. Prior to the event, recruit parent and student volunteers to assist teachers with displays of student art in the classrooms and hallways. Place your Reflections exhibit in a prominent location in the school such as the lobby, cafeteria, library or hallway Plan your awards ceremony. Secure a location in the school that is large enough for all attendees, as well as performances (e.g., gym, auditorium, multi-purpose room, library or cafeteria). Then identify student artists to exhibit their art or perform during the awards ceremony. Consider including welcoming or closing remarks from your PTA President, PTA Reflections Chair and school principal. You could also invite special guests to deliver remarks. Create a program listing the names of student performers and featured presenters. Also include names of students whose artwork is exhibited.
Consider using some student artwork to make these Thank You notes Thank You’ s Remember to thank all those who helped to make your program a success: Judges Principals and school personnel Student leaders Volunteers Community Partners Consider using some student artwork to make these Thank You notes
Reflections Timeline Unit Level – Sep/Oct 2017 Council Level – Oct/Nov 2017 District Level – Dec 2017 State Level – Jan 2018 National Level – Mar 2018 Fourth District Due Date: Friday, Dec 1, 2017 Fourth District Gallery Date: Saturday, Jan __ 2018
Reflections Links Fourth District Reflections: California State Reflections: National Reflections: PTA Reflections:
Reflections Grants Building on the decades-long arts legacy of past Colorado State PTA President Mary Lou Anderson, who established the Reflections Art Program, National PTA awards grants of up to $1,000 so local PTAs can take arts education to the next level – especially for at-risk kids. Find out how your PTA can qualify. Let the Reflections Art Program and the arts be a part of your kids’ lives! For more information on participating or to get Reflections and other arts programs started or funded at your school, contact and get connected with California PTA’s SMARTS – Parents for the Arts Network.
Reflections Theme Search The search is on for the future National PTA Reflections theme. One exceptional concept may be chosen to inspire thousands of students across the nation and in American schools overseas to create original works of art in dance, film, literature, music, photography and visual arts. The Theme Search Contest Winner receives $100 and recognition at the Annual National PTA Convention. Submit your Theme Search ideas online by November 1, 2017 Visit: OR Submit your Theme Search ideas via postal mail to California State PTA by November 1, 2017 California State PTA - Attn: Reflections Theme Search, 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
Reflections Questions?