Production of Ethylene from Natural Gas Feedstock Team Members: Mohammed Alhadher, Samantha Sprau, Joshua Sumabat Project Leader: Andrew Manginelli
Block Flow Diagram Natural Gas Membrane Separator OCM Reactor Seperation Distillation Catalytic Reactor KO Drum Ethylene Ethylene Oxide
you are awesome Sam! good job and keep it up!
Mass and Energy Balance
Stream Characterization
Valve Sizing Valve sizing done through flowserve. Specs were taken for a butterfly control valve Less Noise
What-If Analysis -- HAZOP
CapEx – 75 Million
OpEx 10,000,000 𝑙𝑏 𝑦𝑟 Ethylene 4,200,000 𝑙𝑏 𝑦𝑟 Ethylene Oxide 3 MW Excess Electricity Generation
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