The Power of an Association Executive Directors 2016 (Little Rock)
FY2017 EPA Funding
FY2017 EPA Funding Environmental Protection: National Priorities FY2017 EPA Funding Environmental Protection: National Priorities.—The bill provides $15,000,000 for a competitive grant program to provide technical assistance for improved water quality or safe drinking water to rural and urban communities or individual private well owners. The Agency is directed to provide $13,500,000 for grants to qualified not-for-profit organizations, including organizations authorized by section 1442(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300j– 1(e)(8)), for the sole purpose of providing on-site training technical assistance for water systems in rural or urban communities. The Agency is also directed to provide $1,500,000 for grants to qualified not-for-profit organizations for technical assistance for individual private well owners. The Agency shall require each grantee to provide a minimum 10 percent match, including in-kind contributions. The Agency is directed to allocate funds to grantees within 180 days of enactment.
FY2017 USDA Funding
The Power of a Water PAC
WRDA 2016 S. 2848
Senate WRDA TA Ruthie/Jill: SEC. 222 (e) Additional Use of Funds.--A State may use an additional 2 percent of the funds annually allotted to the State under this section for qualified nonprofit technical assistance providers (as defined in section 222) to provide technical assistance to public water systems serving not more than 10,000 individuals in the State.
Senate WRDA TA Federal CWA TA: Sec. 222(a) The term `qualified nonprofit technical assistance provider' means a nonprofit organization that, as determined by the Administrator-- ``(A) is the most qualified and experienced in providing training and technical assistance to small treatment works; and ``(B) the small treatment works in the State finds to be the most beneficial and effective. ``(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $15,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2017 through 2021.''
Senate WRDA Our WIFIA SEC. 7106. The Administrator shall establish a program to make grants to assist underserved community water systems. The Administrator may waive the requirement to pay the non-Federal share. $300,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2021.'‘ The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer $20,000,000
WRDA 2016 Passage
2019 Farm Bill Has Begun
3 Special Legislative Initiatives
DHS Funding H.R.3583 — Promoting Resilience and Efficiency in Preparing for Attacks and Responding to Emergencies Act or the PREPARE Act
DHS Funding SEC. 112. RURAL DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS CONSORTIUM DHS Funding SEC. 112. RURAL DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS CONSORTIUM. (a) In General.—The Secretary of Homeland Security is authorized to establish a Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium within the Department of Homeland Security consisting of universities and nonprofit organizations qualified to provide training to emergency response providers from rural communities. (c) Authorization Of Appropriations.—Of amounts appropriated for Continuing Training Grants of the Department of Homeland Security, $5,000,000 is authorized to be used for the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium authorized under subsection (a).
DHS Funding Senate Appropriations Bill FY2017
The Future Keeping Technical Assistance Relevant
The Rep. Moolenaar (MI) Doctrine
H.R. 5013 Principle: rural water technical assistance is the solutions for water policy issues.