Personalization - Overview of white paper Olaf Droegehorn, Stefan Pitz, Klaus David
Acknowledgements Hubert Lauer, Olaf Drögehorn, Stefan Pitz, Klaus David University of Kassel, Germany Herma van Kranenburg, Johan de Heer Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands Stefan Arbanowski Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany Erwin Postmann, Christian Feichtner Siemens AG, Austria Axel Busboom Ericsson Research, Germany Johan Hjelm Ericsson, Sweden Particia Charlton Motorola, France Kimmo Raatikainen Nokia, Finland John Yanoshy Motorola, Tx, USA
What is personalization ? Get & store the users preferences User controls the level of personalization Apply these preferences to sources of interest Changing, filtering, adopting information / content Learn the users skills / abilities Adopt the interfaces according to his needs and abilities Prefetch the needed information according to the users needs
Definition of important terms Personalization: Filtering information sources with regard to actors needs, skills and environmental conditions Profile: Set of preferences / skills / needs I-centric: Actor centric communications Agent: Item, which acts instead of the actor Scalability: Possible Use of an algorithm with a great number of actors
Issues to address Security & Privacy Who is allowed to access/control/use the profile Transparency What is going on with my profile Useability User must be able to edit/control the profile Presenting a simplified view of the profile Trust User must be sure that profile information is not abused
Issues to address (2) Profile size and granularity Adapt the size of the profile and the number of involved databases to the bandwith of available wireless media Portability Each system should be able to deal with my profile Well defined system-independent semantic is needed Scalability Ability of the network / devices to handle profile information of all actors
Technical issues What is the profile ? Which items are of interest Which items can be used by systems / actors Which items can be learned / retrieved Semantic is needed to describe the profile in a well defined but flexible way Where is the profile ? Who is responsible for the profile Where is it stored (central/distributed): network vs. User How to edit/access/use the profile Security / Recovery of the profile How to move the profile with the user
Technical issues (2) Who accesses the profile How to learn (automatic / user driven) How to use (Each system / Agent controls the use) How to Store (Open data / encrypted) How to secure the profile Encryption methods Backup / Recovery / Abuse Definition of a security context for applications/agents Transfer of profile-data
Context Description Direct context Sensor bassed data, directly measurable or provided by the user Indirect context Derived form multiple direct contexts, refers to the actual situation the user is in Context history Generated (learned) from the users behaviour over time
How to learn preferences Rule Based Systems Predefined / static system CASE Systems “computer assistend self-explication” Asking the user well defined questions Endorsement Systems Self-learning systems for complex products Collaborative Filtering Systeme Identification of common interests/skills
Conclusion Personalization is done by associating every actor with a set of preferences Actors preferences have to be stored in secure and flexible profiles moving with the actor Acceptance by the user is influenced by privacy, usability and availability This has large implications on the technical realization of the profile (storage / security issues / access restrictions)
Proposed division of the topic Definition of describing semantic propose a semantic and syntax to describe a profile Concepts to store/move a profile Evaluation of different database approaches Concepts to secure/encrypt/transfer a profile Propose a security/key concept Usability of personalization systems (agents, etc.) User interface, manual vs. automatic adaptation Field trials, test in different scenarios
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