Effectiveness & Emotion in Advertising
Effectiveness Only about 1/2 of all advertising WORKS! Having a positive effect on consumer’s purchasing behavior/brand choice
Effectiveness What makes an ad “effective?” IF you talk about it later IF you remember it later IF you invest in the product
Barriers to successful advertising Self-delusion Belief that sales reflect good advertising Delay, undermine, or cancel testing of advertisement effectiveness Creative Egos Assuming competition knows what they are doing Lack of strategy Client ineptness, arrogance, ambiguity, impatience, ignorance, risk aversion, inconsistency…a.k.a. “agency killers” Poor copy testing
Product Item that ideally satisfies the market’s need/want Not always tangible… Can sell support, participation, awareness
Questions to ask Yourself “What am I selling?” “Who am I selling to?” “What is my company image?” “How can I show a need for this product or service?”
Controversial & Bazaar Ads “There’s no such thing as bad press” “Any media is good media” Memorable, Unique, Debatable
Breaking the “Rules” Remember, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rules… As long as you ad is better by breaking the “rules”, you’ve still done your job in being effective.
Emotion Design Different or Varying Degrees of Emotion from person to person Color
Emotional Theme Some companies stick to the same emotional theme, because it has proven effective over time: Geiko- sarcastic humor Humane Society- sadness, guilt McDonald’s- carefree, active Apple- simplicity, ease
Advertising… Has the power to persuade, the power to influence the mind and shape destiny. The power to change markets and improve profit margins. Short term- convey new information, build awareness, and enhance credibility Long term- convey brand image, attach emotional values to the product/brand, or build a + reputation for the product/brand.
The companies who choose to master creative guidance and testing to continue the development of great advertising will lead the market, and make a lot of money doing so!