October 2017 This Month Announcments Reminders Upcoming Events September 15-October 15 is Hispanic Heritage month. We are celebrating achievements by Hispanic Americans and celebrating the traditions, ancestry, and experiences of United States residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. This month is also Bullying Prevention Awareness month. Bullying Prevention Awareness month was started in October 2006, and is a month of education and awareness activities recognized by schools and communities throughout the world. It is never too late to volunteer! If you would like to be a volunteer at Highland Lakes, please call the office and we will get you plugged in. Every Friday morning, we have Round-Up (our morning meeting). Round-up will begin at 7:30 am and end at 7:50 am. If your student is a car rider, please plan to bring them to school at 7:15 am on Fridays so that they won’t miss out on any of the fun. Red Ribbon Week is October 23-27. To celebrate this week, we will dress up each day. Monday is “Pledge to be Drug Free”, wear red; Tuesday is “Sock it to Drugs” wear crazy or mismatched socks; Wednesday is “Give Drugs the Bood”, wear boots and western wear; Thursday is “My Future is Bright”, dress for success as your future career; and Friday is “Highland Lakes is Drug Free”, wear your mustang gear. Reminders Our school day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 3:15 pm. School doors open at 7:15 am for breakfast, and we begin instruction in classrooms promptly at 7:45 am. Please plan to have your children arrive at school as close to 7:15 am as possible so that they have ample time to eat without missing instructional time. We ask that parents who drop off their children in the morning do not drop them off earlier than 7:15 am, because we do not have staff available for supervision until that time. You are more than welcome to come earlier that 7:15 am, but if you do, please wait at the picnic tables with your student until our staff is available to supervise. Please continue to check Thursday folders for important information coming home As we continue our focus on literacy, please be sure to read with your student daily and encourage them to read independently as well. Upcoming Events Oct. 5: Fall Picture Day Oct. 16: Student Holiday/Teacher In-Service Oct. 16: School Board Meeting Oct. 9-12: Fire Prevention Week Oct. 23-27: Red Ribbon Week Oct. 26: Trunk-or-Treat (5:30 pm-7:00 pm) Oct. 27: SMART Smiles Treatment Day