Analyze the major factors responsible for the rise of anti-Semitism in nineteenth-century Europe. Dakota Reed
Anti-semitism fact Definition: Anti-Semitism -- the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people Jewish People -- Another name for the Children of Israel. It is a reference to the Jews as a nation in the classical sense, meaning a group of people with a shared history and a sense of a group identity rather than a territorial and political entity. See The Jews Are a Nation or a People. (Both terms from Google)
The Change 1848 (the turning point) 1858 1867 1791(end on the 18 century) --France, Jews were gradually gaining civil rights a) French national assembly recognized Jews as French Citizens b) Revolutionary changes in the political system c) national states had to bring equal revolutionary changes 1848 (the turning point) The jews joined the revolutionary vanguard in Vienna, Berlin, and the Frankfurt Assembly a)The jews gained the rights to have German Jews 1858 Jews were allowed to take seats in the british parliament 1867 Austria-Hungary extended full legal rights to jews
“1871” 1871 The constitution of the new German Empire strengthened the Jewish emancipation. a)Now it was possible 1-Jewish Marriage 2-choice of occupation 3-place of residency 4-property ownership Fact: -leading historians believe ,by 1871,”It was widely accepted in Central Europe that the gradual disappearance of anti-Jewish prejudice was inevitable.”
How Jews Changed Traditional Jobs new Job opportunities a)financial agents b)village moneylender c)peddler new Job opportunities - careers in business, professions, and the arts were slowly opening up jews - After joining in financial and railroad building, Jews resulted by excelling in; wholesale,retail trade, consumer industries, journalism, medicine, and law ( most Jewish people were improving economically were moving up to the middle class by 1871. Jews saw themselves as patriotic by identifying their nation-state strongly)
Many people were just feeling threatened by the jewish competition Stock market crash 1873 What it resulted -- An anti-Semitism that was built on the reaction of liberalism, the economy, and political policies --Fanatics were claiming that the jewish race( not the religion ) was posing a biological threat among the german people Many people were just feeling threatened by the jewish competition 1) shopkeepers 2) office workers 3) professionals
Conclusion In 1880, 4 million of the 7 million jews lived in Russia. That same year Jews were denounced as foreign exploiters that corrupt national traditions . Even the police and army would stand aside while peasants would destroy Jewish property. This resulted in large number of emigration to western Europe. 70,000 settled in Germany out of the 2.75 million that left eastern europe between 1881 up to 1914. Anti-Semitism brought out the Jews when they were on their way to the top of the world economically The main cause of anti-Semitism was that many were getting jealous and were selfish, wanting it all for themselves and not welling to accept someone being better than them.
Jewish migration 1840-1946 overview
Charles Darwin Charles Darwin ( 1809-1992) Promoted Natural selection in 1859 a) The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. Houston Stewart Chamberlain ( 1853-1927) Foundations of the nineteenth Century (1899) a) argued Jews were major enemy of the Europe in racial regeneration
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