Glasgow Anniesland Candidate Party Votes Bill Butler Scottish Labour 10322 Bill Kidd Scottish National Party 10329 Marc Livingstone Communist Party of Britain 256 Paul McGarry Scottish Liberal Democrats 1000 Matthew Smith Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 2011 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Cathcart Candidate Party Vote Eileen Baxendale Scottish Liberal Democrats 1118 James Dornan Scottish National Party 11918 Charlie Gordon Scottish Labour 10326 John McKee Independent 450 Richard Sullivan Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 2410 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Kelvin Candidate Party Votes Ruth Davidson Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 1845 Natalie McKee Scottish Liberal Democrats 1900 Pauline McNeill Scottish Labour 9758 Tom Muirhead Independent 405 Sandra White Scottish National Party 10640 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Maryhill & Springburn Candidate Party Votes Sophie Bridger Scottish Liberal Democrats 833 Bob Doris Scottish National Party 8592 Patricia Ferguson Scottish Labour 9884 Stephanie Murray Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 1222 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Pollok Candidate Party Votes Johann Lamont Scottish Labour 10875 Andrew Morrison Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 1298 Isabel Nelson Scottish Liberal Democrats 490 Chris Stephens Scottish National Party 10252 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Provan Candidate Party Votes Majid Hussain Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 777 Paul Martin Scottish Labour 10037 Anne McLaughlin Scottish National Party 7958 Michael O'Donnell Scottish Liberal Democrats 413 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Shettleston Candidate Party Votes Ruaraidh Dobson Scottish Liberal Democrats 371 John Mason Scottish National Party 10128 Frank McAveety Scottish Labour 9542 David Wilson Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 1163 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Glasgow Southside Candidate Party Votes Stephen Curran Scottish Labour 7957 Kenneth Elder Scottish Liberal Democrats 612 David Meikle Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 1733 Nicola Sturgeon Scottish National Party 12306 Winning Party Winning Candidate
Rutherglen Candidate Party Votes Caroline Johnstone Independent 633 James Kelly Scottish Labour 12489 Jim McGuigan Scottish National Party 10710 Martyn McIntyre Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 2096 Lisa Strachan Scottish Liberal Democrats 1174 Winning Party Winning Candidate