Dr. Lois Banks, TRAIN Director Ilya Plotkin, Assistant TRAIN Director TRAIN.org Dr. Lois Banks, TRAIN Director Ilya Plotkin, Assistant TRAIN Director
What is TRAIN? “The premier learning management system for professionals and volunteers who protect the public’s health” Public Health Public Safety Emergency Readiness and Response …and everything in between, including Current…and future…health professionals A single, unified network for sharing learning resources Coordinated by a national non-profit organization – Public Health Foundation - committed to a mission: We improve the public’s health by strengthening the quality and performance of public health practice
A Brief History of the TRAIN Learning Management Network Developed in 2003 in response to state requests Involved over 40 states and 400 public health professionals Continually improved through investment from network partners and funders Historical sponsors: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Health Resources and Services Administration Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Foundation …state requests for training that would efficiently prepare the public health workforce and provide an ability to track the requisite training. …including state health officials, distance learning coordinators, senior deputies, academic faculty, and general public health staff in order to ensure that multiple perspectives were taken into account. …to the tune of over $5.3 million invested in TRAIN since 2003.
TRAIN Today More than a learning management system – a learning management network Includes 28 affiliates, including 25 states and: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Over 700,000 registered public health professionals Over 29,000 courses across nearly 4,000 providers
What Does All This Mean? (webcasts, webinars, self-study, etc.) TRAIN is the most comprehensive learning network for public health professionals TRAIN integrates web-based, classroom-based, and physical media learning experiences Any organization (ex. Chapter or school) can become a provider on TRAIN and post courses #2: Through TRAIN, counties can coordinate training and workforce development as easily as neighboring states, and the national network as a whole #3: Online (web-based courses) (webcasts, webinars, self-study, etc.) Live Event (classroom-based courses) (conferences, exercises, classes, live webcasts, etc.) Physical Carrier (CDs, DVDs, computer-based trainings, etc.)
Current Competencies on TRAIN Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals Public Health Preparedness and Response Competencies Medical Reserve Corps Competencies Public Health Preparedness Capabilities
Why Should I Use TRAIN? Health discipline exploration Transcript portability & completeness Building a holistic transcript & gaining an advantage Licensure credits
Why Should I Use TRAIN? Directed learning experiences (ex. Blended Learning Series) Preparing for competitive events Coordinating opportunities with neighboring chapters
It’s All Bigger than TRAIN Public Health Department Accreditation Public Health Systems and Services Research (PHSSR) Public Health Preparedness and Response Student Outreach / Public Health Pipeline
Some Numbers for Thought As of January 1, 2013: A public health professional, volunteer, or future professional registers on TRAIN every 4 minutes …and registers for a course every minute …for a total of 2.48 million course registrations …and completes a course every 2 minutes 78% of the time …for a total of 1.94 million course completions Of those 1.94 million, 41% (787,000) include Core Competencies …a course with Core Competencies is completed every 3 minutes …representing 32% of all courses initially registered for All in all, every minute, courses completed on TRAIN teach an average of 2 competencies Therefore, during this hour… 15 people registered for TRAIN 60 registered for a course on TRAIN (of which 46 will eventually be completed) 30 completed a course on TRAIN 20 of which have competencies For a total of 120 competencies learned
Boarding TRAIN Register on TRAIN.org Demonstration The homepage Finding and registering for courses Becoming a provider (chapters & schools) Posting a Blended Learning Series Questions: Ask now…at the end… or via training@phf.org.