Beginning & Ending a Tutorial Session Setting the Tone, and Retaining the Student
Set a Positive and Friendly Tone Greet the student with a smile. Introduce yourself. Ask the student how s/he is doing. Establish a relationship with the student. Remember the Writing Center is not just a space dedicated to learning, but also a space dedicated
Establish the Purpose of the Session Ask the student how you can help him or her. Establish some reasonable goals you can attain in ½ hour. Write the goals at the top of a piece of scratch paper. This establishes the direction of the session. Inform the student that he/she can change the direction of the session should some issue arise.
Example Tutor: What would you like to work on today? Student: Can you look at my essay? Tutor: Sure. What exactly would you like me to focus on? Student: Can you give me feedback on my thesis and the organization of my ideas? Tutor: Of course (Writing) We’ll focus today on your thesis and organization. Remember you can change this agenda at any time should something come up.
Make Sure You Understand the Assignment Ask the student questions about the assignment. Read the instr0uctor’s assignment sheet…if there is any. Double check with the student about the requirements for the assignment.
Practice Pair up with a partner. Take turns playing the student and tutor roles at the opening of a session. Take turns 2 times. Then discuss what you learned. Why is it important to greet students in a certain way? Why is it important to establish the direction of the session? Why is it important to establish parameters?
Ending a Session Double check with the student to make sure you’ve addressed the issues he/she was concerned about. As the student if he or she has any further questions. Encourage the student to bring their paper back again after they have made revisions. Remind them that one, even two tutorials do not guarantee a certain grade.
What Is Not Helpful Watch these responses about things that are not helpful in tutoring sessions. Can you identify any themes? What are some things you might find helpful during a tutoring sessions?