Matua Professional Learning 30 January 2009 Janet Bourne & Rocky Jensen SSS Advisers Your learning partners
Today's Overview 8.30 am Coffee 9.00 am The characteristics of a PLC Protocols So what, now what for Matua? 10.30 am Morning tea 10.50 am Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s Adults 12.30 – 1.15 pm Lunch 1.15 pm Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s Adults 3.30 pm Planning UbD cont.. 4.00 pm Reflection and Actions I will take ... tomorrow, next week, next term
Goals for today ... establish solid foundations for working as a effective professional learning community work on developing a ‘living’ school vision that reflects the world of our learners
Principles to guide our learning: Focus on children – their interests are paramount ! High expectations for all learners, in all areas- curriculum, values , behaviour... Individual ownership and responsibility for learning based on evidence - respond responsibly Safe, high- trust, non-threatening environment Embrace change, take risks Everyone is valued Communication- clear and purposeful Sharing best practice based on outcomes Having clear sense of direction to meet specific outcomes Systems and structures established to support a successful – PLC i.e. involve relevant stakeholders, common-sense collaboration End-point is clear
Everybody’s talking at me “If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear” Mark Twain
Ear Ye! Ear Ye! ‘I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize what you heard is not what I meant”.
Reflection 1. What was the easiest about showing respect by using good listening skills? 2. What was the hardest thing to do? 3. How did it feel to be listened to? Focused upon? 4. What are the benefits of being respected, for the listener, for the speaker?
Matua School Are we future -proof?
Aim: work on developing a ‘living’ school vision that reflects the world of our learners
“If we are to prepare young people to thrive in the future, we need to understand the ways in which our world is changing, and the future world in which they will live and work.” Dalton
What changes have you observed or experienced in your lifetime ? Changes can involve community, society, family, or global and can be related to any field or endeavour- work, education, medical, lifestyle, technology, values.
Future Predictions Blog Posts:
“Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” H.M. Warner, Warner Bros., 1927.
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943.
“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” Ken Olson, President/Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977.
“We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.” Decca Recording Company, rejecting the Beatles, 1962.
“Part of the trouble with education today is that the future is not what it used to be”. Ashleigh Brilliant
What kinds of adults will they need to be? … imagine them thriving and making a real contribution to this world. What kinds of adults will they need to be?
The adults our children will need to become: Adaptable Caring Collaborative Communicators Healthy Innovators Inquirers Lifelong learners Principled Reflective thinkers Responsible citizens Self-directed Spiritual World contributors
This is the first step in the process of establishing long-term goals for our students. This will provide the over-arching educational purpose for our school, a clear sense of direction, and a foundation from which to explore and align our learning goals and practices
Red Beach School
Best Practice Books
Be a symbol of what we at Matua Primary - What ALL OF US believe about teaching and learning Provide us with a unified teaching philosophy with room for teachers to develop an individual approach Be something that gives direction to our actions Become an icon for our school/ wider community. Something that is easily shared and known to all. Be something that takes into account what we know about the needs of today's learners and about how children learn best Be something that provides a scaffold to organise new and old beliefs. Prevent the overload, help organise and to find connections. Be something that we can use in interactions with students in order to provide them with an ideal role model or point of reference against which they can gauge their own learning and behaviour. Today’s children, tomorrow adults – Nurturing the Vision