Competency Based Assessment Over the last couple of months we have examined the foundations of our ideas of government and democracy. You must now answer that question in a project of your own choice.
Where do our ideas of government and democracy come from?
Components: Each project will contain two components: Written Yes you have to write something. Essay Power Point/Prezi/Keynote Live Performance Movie Graphic Novel Podcast/Audio cast Presentation Yes you have to present in front of the whole class Present 1 out of 8 topics (your choice) to the class No more than 5 minutes If you do not see an option listed you can petition your teacher in writing for an alternative component. Presentation difficulty/standards up to the teacher
Content Conventions Organization Presentation 4 -Completely answers the question “where do our ideas of government and democracy come from?” -Addresses each required topic -Lists one individual and one document from each topic -Uses evidence to support all claims -Is accurate -No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors -High-level use of vocabulary and word choice -Information is clearly focused in an organized and thoughtful manner -Information is constructed in a logical pattern to support your answer to the question -Presentation captures audience attention -Presentation is organized -Presentation includes academic language 3 -Answers the question “where do our ideas of government and democracy come from?” -Addresses most of the required topics -Lists most of the individuals and documents for each topic -Provides most of the evidence to support most of the claims -Few (1 to 3) spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors -Good use of vocabulary and word choice -Information is focused in an organized and thoughtful manner -Information is constructed in a pattern to support your answer to the question -Presentation is mostly organized 2 -Addresses some of the required topics -Lists some of the individuals and documents for each topic -Provides some of the evidence to support most of the claims -Minimal (3 to 5) spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors -low-level use of vocab and word choice -Information is somewhat focused in an organized and thoughtful manner -Information is constructed in a pattern to partially support your answer to the question -Presentation captures audience attention -Presentation is somewhat organized -Presentation lacks academic language 1 -Incomplete -Revision is needed -More than 5 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors -Poor use of vocabulary and word choice -Content is unfocused and haphazard -Presentation appears sloppy and/or unfinished
8 Topics must be discussed The Greeks/Romans/Religious Influences Limiting absolute authority The Renaissance The Reformation The Scientific Revolution The Enlightenment The American Revolution The French Revolution
Each topic must examine: 1 individual who you claim had the largest impact on modern political thought. 1 event/document that you claim had the largest impact on modern political thought You must support your claims with evidence You must use at least 1 document, quote or other textual evidence to support one of your two claims in each topic. USE YOUR JOURNALS/NOTES/TEXTBOOK FOR THIS INFORMATION TO GET YOU STARTED
You must pass this competency! In order to pass the class you must complete this competency If you do not pass the first time you can redo it IF you have completed all assigned work including classwork, homework, and journals. If you do not pass the competency on the first try you need to go back and complete all missing work and then resubmit your assignment or you will not pass the class. Can redo? Optional redo or must pass to pass the class. Fulks is making worth 60% of their grade.
Review of 8 Topics/Examples
Greeks/Romans “He who trusts any man with supreme power gives it to a wild beast, for such his appetite sometimes makes him: passion influences those in power, even the best of men, but law is reason without desire. . . . “ —Aristotle Aristotle feels that government must adhere to law. One can see this with comparing unchecked government with a wild beast. This first shows that government is restricted by the laws of man. An example would be that police can’t search without reasonable cause. Romans in their Twelve Tables applied their law throughout its republic. United States gives its people due process rights.