Student Affairs Assessment Presented to the Expanded Managers’ Group Division of Student Affairs By Susan Platt, Executive Director of Assessment February 19, 2015
Assessment and Evidence “Assessment is any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, departmental, divisional, or agency effectiveness.” “Effectiveness includes not only assessing student learning outcomes, but assessing other important outcomes as well (cost-effectiveness, clientele satisfaction, meeting clientele needs) for other constituents within the institution (the faculty, administration, governing boards) and outside the institution (alumni, legislators, funding agencies, accreditation agencies).” Upcraft, M. L. & Schuh, J. H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs: A guide for practitioners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Scholarship of Assessment: The Lessons of Learning Reconsidered 2 Keeling, R. P. (Ed.) (2006). Learning reconsidered 2: Implementing a campus- wide focus on the student experience. ACPA, ACUHO-I, NACA, NACADA, NASPA, AND NIRSA. Learning Reconsidered 2 (LR2): Student affairs personnel have responsibility for student learning, development and success. Integrated learning includes aspects of formal academic elements (general education, the major and electives) as well as out-of-classroom experiences Linked to the spirit of Greater Expectations, Student Learning Imperative, and Principles of Good Practice in Assessment The campus is a learning system with students at the center using “cognition and affect to engage the environment;” they “move through social, academic, and institutional contexts,” all of which give them opportunities to engage in meaning- making and opportunities to learn.
Division of Student Affairs Assessment Activities 2014-2019 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS ASSESSMENTS Strategic Planning & Mission-Goals Setting X Program Review SLD SHS EOP DSS UOSR Student Learning Outcomes Unit Climate Survey and Leadership Assessments SHS HRL Annual Assessment Reports LARGE SCALE SURVEY DATA COLLECTION WITH CAMPUS PARTNERS Freshman Survey NSSE/FSSE Student Satisfaction DLE Requests for primary and secondary data
Strategic Planning & Mission/Goals Setting Institution Team Unit
Program Review Opportunity for units to be reflective, examine their practices, and get feedback about their effectiveness from a variety of stakeholders Initiated by a letter from the VP for Student Affairs Orientation provided by Testing, Evaluation & Assessment to all staff and leaders of the unit Unit writes a self-study and recommends internal/external reviewers Reviewers meet with key stakeholders identified by the unit External reviewers write a report Internal reviewers write a final report with recommendations for improvement and present findings to the Program Review Council The VP for Student Affairs issues a Memo of Understanding to the unit Unit provides an annual report of progress
Levels of Student Learning Outcomes WASC Core Competencies** ↑ Institution* College/LEAP Division Department Team Program (multiple sections of courses) Unit Classroom Programs, Services, Activities Academic Affairs Student Affairs *Institution-level learning goals include communication, numeracy and critical thinking skills for workplace or advanced study, local/global engagement, knowledge of and respect for diversity, liberal education skills, problem solving, research, and creative activity. **WASC Core Competencies include writing, oral communication, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and information literacy.
Unit Climate and Leadership Assessments Unit climate surveys: feedback from employees about their work environment, opportunity for growth, and general overall satisfaction Leadership assessments: climate surveys provide extensive feedback concerning leadership practices in employees’ units; exploring best practices in using 360-degree assessments specifically for higher education leaders
Annual Assessment Reports Describe assessment activities in the past academic year and align these with unit, team, and institutional goals: Student learning outcomes Student satisfaction with services Needs assessments Large scale survey data collection Describe assessment plans for the next academic year Templates will be provided on the CSULB Assessment website
Large-Scale Survey Assessments Cooperative Institutional Research Program Assessments: The Freshman Survey (TFS) Diverse Learning Environments (DLE) National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Other survey requests as needed IRB
Scholarship of Assessment Training Opportunities Workshops & Webinars Student Affairs Assessment Strategic Planning Mission Statements and Goals Setting Student Learning Outcomes Program Review Large Scale Survey Data Use Leadership and Unit Efficiencies SPSS Measurement Tools Other? Department requests for tailored workshops in student affairs assessment Unit and/or Team meetings