TRB Planning Application Conference, May 2017 How to change transit surveys to make them more useful for a dynamic transit assignment model? Andisheh Ranjbari, Brice Nichols, Drew Cooper, Bhargava Sana, Elizabeth Sall TRB Planning Application Conference, May 2017
What We Wanted Is Fast-Trips finding observed routes and assigning reasonable probabilities to them? Route and performance data for various user-classes to validate: Feasible and likely mode, route, and transit trip combinations Access/Egress times and distances Transit path performances Fast-Trips: Uses the trip-based hyperpath algorithm to find and evaluate paths, and then simulates transit passenger route-finding and user experiences.
Household Travel Survey What We Had On-Board Survey Household Travel Survey Years 2012-2014 By 16 Transit Agencies in the Bay Area: BART, Caltrain, Muni, AC Transit, ACE, Napa Vine, SamTrans, Golden Gate, Tri-Delta, County Connection, VTA, Soltrans, Sonoma County, Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Union City California Household Travel Survey 2013 GPS data for 10% of the sample (~10k people) for 3 days GPS data for ~600 people in the Bay Area
Desired Process Survey Raw Data Convert to Fast-Trips Demand (Dyno-demand) Convert to Fast-Trips Routes (Dyno-path) Run Fast-Trips and produce outputs (Dyno-path) Developed performance metrics and targets Compare the routes (Tableau or iPython notebook)
On-Board Survey: What Was Hard/Impossible Departure/Arrival time in HH:MM format Stop ID and Route ID Transfers Info HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID HH: MM TAZ HH:MM TAZ O D Access Mode Mode Agency Route ID Transfer Mode Agency Route ID Transfer Mode Agency Route ID EgressMode First board Last alight Surveyed leg
On-Board Survey: What Was Hard/Impossible Available Departure/Arrival time in HH:MM format Stop ID and Route ID Transfers Info Partly Available Missing HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM? Lat/lon? Stop ID? HH:MM? Lat/lon? Stop ID? HH:MM? Lat/lon? Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH: MM TAZ HH:MM? TAZ O D Access Mode Mode Agency Route ID Transfer Mode Agency Route ID? Transfer Mode Agency Route ID? EgressMode First board Last alight Surveyed leg
HH Travel Survey GPS: What Was Hard/Impossible Origin/Destination Access/Egress vs Transfer links TAZ and Stop ID Agency and Route ID Available Partly Available Missing Origin? HH:MM Lat/lon TAZ ? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? HH:MM Lat/lon Stop ID? Dest? HH:MM Lat/lon TAZ ? Mode Access ? Mode Agency Route ID? Mode Transfer ? Mode Agency Route ID? Mode Transfer ? Mode Agency Route ID? Mode Egress ?
Conclusions and Lessons Learned Yes, by substantial data wrangling, using info from transit operators, linking observed data with other existing datasets, and applying reasonable assumptions, valuable data can be extracted from the surveys. But, to take advantage of survey data to use for Fast-Trips, in addition to the common info, it would be beneficial to have: Departure/arrival time in hour-minute format Stop and route info for all transfers Supporting info from surveyors: route ID, stop, survey time in HH:MM format
Thank You! Andisheh Ranjbari, Brice Nichols, Drew Cooper, Bhargava Sana, Elizabeth Sall