‘Everyday People’ by Maroon 5 September 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ5GfOKOfO4
and Succeeding Together 3rd October 2016 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together
A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour Welcome to our ‘Values’ assembly A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour
Values Nomination WINNER! Nominee: ______________________ Nominated By:__________________ What value has the person shown and how?
How did exploring the value of CONFIDENCE in September guide your thinking and behaviour?
How have Year 2 shown CONFIDENCE?
Peace Day Well done everyone that dressed in blue/ peace signs, made flags and/or walked to school. You raised a lot of awareness of Peace Day! Well done to the Values Council for organising such a good event!
(Please watch our fantastic video) Peace Day Lots happened on the day including the Year 2 children doing yoga with Mrs Clarke. The Year 1s and 2s worked together to create their own peace sign using their bodies! (Please watch our fantastic video)
October’s Value Tolerance
Tolerance Tolerance means to put up with differences. Tolerance means showing respect for the Race Religion Age Gender Opinions of other people or groups.
Tolerance Tolerance is Not responding to a person in a negative way. Not being mean, or unkind, or aggressive, towards people.
Tolerance I Like Being Me
How can you change this? Act Support Unite Do something or say something. In the face of hatred, doing nothing will be taken as acceptance. Victims often feel scared and alone, let them that know you care by showing them support. This can only be stopped together. Support Unite
A prayer for all of us Here in our school Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other. Let love be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together.
A quiet moment of prayer or reflection... TOLERANCE
As we reflect, think about how TOLERANCE makes the world a better place to be. n
‘Everyday People’ by Maroon 5 September 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ5GfOKOfO4