A Kinderactive CD ROM Series Ready, Set, Go A Kinderactive CD ROM Series Gabrielle Broadnax Senior Design III
Overview Product Description and Intended Use User Profile Deliverables Demonstration Conclusion
Just the Facts Among the millions of children who will enter kindergarten in the 2004-2005 school year and estimated 40% will be ill prepared for school. According to the National Center for Education Statistic 34% percent cannot identify letters of the alphabet by name and 42% cannot count 20 objects.
Product Description and Intended Use Two disk Multimedia Application Key Objectives Educate parents/caregivers to assist their child in making transition Help children develop skills that will improve academic success
User Profile Children 3 to 5 years of age May be enrolled in early childhood education program Limited IT skills Varying academic skills
User Profile Parent/Caregiver Has interest in preparing child for kindergarten Various levels of IT literacy Diverse backgrounds and educational levels Prior computer skills
Deliverables CD for Parents/Caregiver CD for Children Minimum of 12 Interactive Activities Produced in Flash MX Utilizes Actionscripting
Conclusion Created to educate parents/caregivers on assisting their child in making the transition to kindergarten. Developed to help children develop skills that will improve academic success in kindergarten. Visually appealing Full of information, resources, and activities. This project was developed using Macromedia Flash MX Project fulfilled the project deliverables established in the Design Freeze.