Being Socially and Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten Kindergarten Here I Come!!! Being Socially and Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten
Introduction to Student Services Katherine O’Connor Oden - School Counselor Bonnie Mulfinger – School Social Worker Kristen Johnson – School Psychologist
Readiness Checklist for Social and Emotional Maturity Is your child able to wait somewhat patiently (3-4 minutes) for your help? Does your child verbalize different feelings? Is your child able to accept a change in plans? Is your child able to share, compromise, turn-take and problem solve during play with other children? Does your child comply with rules, limits, and routines? Is your child able to accept help without becoming upset? Does your child respect the feelings of others? Does your child understand cause/ effect situations?
Tips to encourage social/emotional growth Provide opportunities for your child to play with other children. Role play different scenarios that may occur during play with your child. Describe to your child ways of solving disagreements with others. Let your child know that all feelings are okay.
We are looking forward to next school year!!