Wonderful World of Flowers!!!!
THE FLOWER Flower Structures A. Sepals-small, green, leaf-like structures on base of flower (calyx-sepals as a unit) Function: protect flower bud in early stages
THE FLOWER Petals: colored portion of flower Corolla- petals as a group Functions: 1. attract pollinators 2. glands that secrete nectar
THE FLOWER Pistils Composed of 3 parts: 1.“Sticky” Stigma 2. Style-long tube from stigma to ovary 3. Ovary-has ovules, develop into seeds
THE FLOWER C. Pistils cont. Pollen Tube- pollen travels from stigma to ovary Function of Pistil: female reproductive organ
THE FLOWER D. StaMEN Composed of 2 parts: 1. anther: pollen bearing 2. filament: supports anther Function: male reproductive system
POLLINATION The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.