Physikos 2017 Easy Way In - Haggis
Physikos 2017 Easy Way In - Haggis What Haggis will talk about What this will tell us Disclaimer, pens down & then: The first step – making a web presence – quick and easy via Hawai’i and mainland USA What a “wiki” is and how to set one up. How to extend a wiki with downloadable files – and how to combine that with an electronic plan book that ERO has liked How to combine an electronic planbook, handwritten notes and downloadable files – all in 1 How to put handwritten notes on a PowerPoint slide How to write on the screen – or at least tick off items & draw lines If you feel a wee bit adventurous, you can make youtube clips and run a channel How to avoid repeating yourself with explanations (like algebraic manipulations) A page on my classroom wiki that is for teachers as well as students – i.e. you so you don’t have to write anything down The web is a handy place to put things.
A blizzard of choices:
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom Microsoft 365
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom Microsoft 365 Wiki
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom Microsoft 365 Wiki Weebly
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom Microsoft 365 Wiki Weebly Moodle and many, many more
A blizzard of choices: Google classroom Microsoft 365 Wiki Weebly Moodle and many, many more (sounds like a TV ad) A screenshot of the homepage A screenshot of the homepage
There are various options There are various options. I have opted for a wiki that is publicly “viewable” but only able to be edited my me.
There are various options There are various options. I have opted for a wiki that is publicly “viewable” but only able to be edited my me. This is, in effect, a website.
There are various options There are various options. I have opted for a wiki that is publicly “viewable” but only able to be edited my me. This is, in effect, a website.
This is a screenshot of my “Welcome” page This is a screenshot of my “Welcome” page. The generic welcome page is pretty stark.
Each of my classes has their own page
The “ako” page is just for you The “ako” page is just for you. It contains this PowerPoint in downloadable form OR type in: I’ve put a screenshot of that page on the next slide
A screenshot from my Y13 Physics page – showing links to external youtube clips and an annotated (and referenced) photo of a page in a textbook.
A screenshot from my Y13 Physics page – showing links to external youtube clips and an annotated (and referenced) photo of a page in a textbook.
A screenshot from further down the same page showing downloadable PowerPoint files – organized by date
A screenshot from further down the same page showing downloadable PowerPoint files – organized by date
A screenshot showing the external links I have put in so the webpage can be useful during lesson time and from home. The links are a combination of PhET, youtube clips, applets and links straight to old NCEA exams and Marking Schedules
A screenshot showing the external links I have put in so the webpage can be useful during lesson time and from home. The links are a combination of PhET, youtube clips, applets and links straight to old NCEA exams and Marking Schedules
Screenshots from the page(s) also show that graphs, charts (eg Excel) and images can be posted
Screenshots from the page(s) also show that graphs, charts (eg Excel) and images can be posted
Screenshots from the page(s) also show that graphs, charts (eg Excel) and images can be posted
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked –
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version.
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers.
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday.
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday. An example is found on the next few slides.
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday. An example is found on the next few slides. Planbook page
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday. An example is found on the next few slides. Planbook page HW ahead
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday. An example is found on the next few slides. Planbook page HW ahead HW marking schedule
An electronic planbook that ERO has seen and liked – and which removes the need for a paper version. I use PowerPoint because it is ubiquitous and normally provided for teachers. It is not *flash*. It is pretty functional and workaday. An example is found on the next few slides. Planbook page HW ahead HW marking schedule Handwritten notes – in this case proof of n = dsin
What we will do What we will learn 13Px 15 Pipiri 2017 Preliminaries and roll How to kick off well Prove the formula: n=d.sin and repair the mistake on page 33 How to make great use of time to refresh old knowledge and skills. Write down the fish-hook for the formula n=dx/L Why the pattern exists Examine multi-slit sources and the above fish-hook again How multi-slits are similar to and different from double slits Use a diffraction grating (a multi-slit, not a double slit) to find for red light How to USE the formula Set new HW, set a due date and have HRT How to make our way toward the 20th of November in a steady fashion
HW item Skills practiced Waves: pages 1 and 2 Due Tuesday 6th of June 2017 Revision of Level 2 Waves. Waves: Pages 5 - 7 Due Friday 9th of June 2017 Standing waves: formation and jargon Waves: Pages 10 to 25 Due Friday 16th of June 2017 Musical Instruments Waves: Pages 26 and 27 Due Thursday 22nd of June 2017 Revision of NCEA2 Wave concepts Waves: Pages 30 - 32 Two source interference patterns – especially path difference Waves: Pages 34 and 35 Twin source interference: quantified Waves: Pages 37 and 38 Twin source interference extended to multi-source interference
Homework Marking No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches & FULL working for all Neat presentation and down-page format Answer underlined and units given Self marked and all correct – eventually In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear.
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options”
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options” Click on “Pen” OR “Ink Colo(u)r”
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options” Click on “Pen” OR “Ink Colo(u)r” Click on the colour you like.
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options” Click on “Pen” OR “Ink Colo(u)r” Click on the colour you like. Your mouse becomes a pen.
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options” Click on “Pen” OR “Ink Colo(u)r” Click on the colour you like. Your mouse becomes a pen. Click and hold puts “pen down”.
How to draw on a PowerPoint screen: A mouse works but a stylus is much easier During “present”, right click. A menu will appear. Click on “Pointer Options” Click on “Pen” OR “Ink Colo(u)r” Click on the colour you like. Your mouse becomes a pen. Click and hold puts “pen down” Drag moves the pen across the page
Youtube it.
Youtube it. I have used a lot of the Khan Academy clips and I have linked to them BUT
Youtube it. I have used a lot of the Khan Academy clips and I have linked to them BUT I have also stolen the wonderful way of working – i.e. doing a voice over a PowerPoint or drawing on one while talking.
Youtube it. I have used a lot of the Khan Academy clips and I have linked to them BUT I have also stolen the wonderful way of working – i.e. doing a voice over a PowerPoint or drawing on one while talking. My youtube channel is “teacherhaggis”.
Youtube it. I have used a lot of the Khan Academy clips and I have linked to them BUT I have also stolen the wonderful way of working – i.e. doing a voice over a PowerPoint or drawing on one while talking. My youtube channel is “teacherhaggis”. If you have a gmail address, you can click your way through to making a youtube channel.
Youtube it. I have used a lot of the Khan Academy clips and I have linked to them BUT I have also stolen the wonderful way of working – i.e. doing a voice over a PowerPoint or drawing on one while talking. My youtube channel is “teacherhaggis”. If you have a gmail address, you can click your way through to making a youtube channel. HOWEVER…
How to create content?
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic”
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic” A free web-based way of recording video from your laptop; screenshots, voiceovers, camera work & so on.
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic” A free web-based way of recording video from your laptop; screenshots, voiceovers, camara work and so on. Some of my Physics songs are found on there and more will be going up as I record them.
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic” A free web-based way of recording video from your laptop; screenshots, voiceovers, camara work and so on. Some of my Physics songs are found on there and more will be going up as I record them. e.g. “One on f”, “The Capacitor Song”, “Quantum Particles Song”, “Quantum Waves Song” and…
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic” A free web-based way of recording video from your laptop; screenshots, voiceovers, camara work and so on. Some of my Physics songs are found on there and more will be going up as I record them. e.g. “One on f”, “The Capacitor Song”, “Quantum Particles Song”, “Quantum Waves Song” and… The song “Hard Case Critters”
How to create content? Enter – “Screen Cast-O-Matic” A free web-based way of recording video from your laptop; screenshots, voiceovers, camara work and so on. Some of my Physics songs are found on there and more will be going up as I record them. e.g. “One on f”, “The Capacitor Song”, “Quantum Particles Song”, “Quantum Waves Song” and… The song “Hard Case Critters” – not Physics but kind of fun
Penultimately: Another “throw” to the webpage I made for you
Penultimately: Another “throw” to the webpage I made for you so you can get access to this PowerPoint and
Penultimately: Another “throw” to the webpage I made for you so you can get access to this PowerPoint and therefore do not have to write anything down
Penultimately: Another “throw” to the webpage I made for you so you can get access to this PowerPoint and therefore do not have to write anything down (except for the web address)
Penultimately: Another “throw” to the webpage I made for you so you can get access to this PowerPoint and therefore do not have to write anything down (except for the web address)
Thank you for being kind enough to listen Finally: Thank you for being kind enough to listen
Thank you for being kind enough to listen Finally: Thank you for being kind enough to listen 10 July 2017