What is the significance of plants producing flowers? a. It allowed plants to live on land b. Plants were able to transport food and water throughout it’s tissues c. It increased chances of reproduction by attracting pollinators to flowers d. It helped with spore production
Which of the following is not evidence used to support the theory that plants evolved from green algae? They have similar 2-part life cycles DNA evidence They are both multicellular The cell walls are made of cellulose
Figure 22–6 A Cladogram of Plant Groups Section 22-1 Flowering plants Cone-bearing plants Ferns and their relatives Mosses and their relatives Green algae ancestor Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue Go to Section:
Figure 22–6 A Cladogram of Plant Groups Section 22-1 Flowering plants Cone-bearing plants Ferns and their relatives Mosses and their relatives ????????? Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue What organism do scientist believe all plants evolved from? Green Algae Go to Section:
Figure 22–6 A Cladogram of Plant Groups Section 22-1 Flowering plants Cone-bearing plants ???? Mosses and their relatives Green algae ancestor Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue Fern and their relatives First group of plants to evolve vascular tissue? Go to Section:
Figure 22–6 A Cladogram of Plant Groups Section 22-1 Flowering plants ?????????? Ferns and their relatives Mosses and their relatives Green algae ancestor Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue Gymnosperms What group of plants were the first to evolve seeds? Go to Section:
Flowering plants Cone-bearing plants Ferns and their relatives Mosses and their relatives Green algae ancestor Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue The Seed ???????????? What characteristic evolved at this point to bring fourth cone-bearing plants?
Conifers are found in which of the four groups of plants? Gymnosperms
This plant belongs in what group of plants? Bryophyte
This plant belongs to which group of plants? Gymnosperms
Fill in the Blank In bryophytes….. Fertilization occurs when ______________ swims thru water to egg – gametophyte forms Sperm
How does pollination usually occur in angiosperms? Animals
What group of plants does this organism belong? Angiosperms
Name the two parts of a plant’s life cycle Gametophyte stage and Sporophyte stage
How does pollination occur usually in gymnosperms? By Wind
Which Group of plants is the most successful and includes the most amount of species? Angiosperms
Group of plants that is Seedless but has vascular tissues Ferns
Group of Plants that Have Vascular Tissue and Seeds enclosed in a fruit Angiosperms
How will this seed be dispersed? Wind
Dicot b/c of the branched veins in the leaf Monocot or Dicot? Dicot b/c of the branched veins in the leaf
Monocot: Plant Parts in multiples of 3s. Monocot or Dicot? Monocot: Plant Parts in multiples of 3s.
Monocot or Dicot? Monocot: Fibrous Roots
Which groups of plants produce seeds? Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Which group of plants cannot conduct water throughout their bodies through a transport system? Bryophytes- They have no vascular Tissue
Which group of plants rely on water for reproduction? Bryophytes and Ferns- They are seedless and produce spores
Stand up
Part of the flower that attracts pollinators Petals
The part of the flower that protects the immature flower as a bud Sepals
Stamen Male reproductive part of the flower The stamen is made up of two parts
Carpel or Pistil The female parts of the flower make up the ____________
Carpel or Pistil Stigma
What becomes the fruit of a flower after fertilization? The Ovary
Waxy covering of a leaf that prevents the leaf from drying out Cuticle
Scientist believe that all plants probably evolved from a common ancestor to today’s _____________________ Green Algae
A c B d E F