The Advertising Agency, Media Services, and Other Services Chapter 5 The Advertising Agency, Media Services, and Other Services
Advertising Agency “An independent business, composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services.”
What Advertising Agencies Do For Their Clients A study of client’s product or service look at advantages & disadvantages in the product An analysis of present and potential markets Knowledge of the factors of distribution and sales -- and methods of operation
What Advertising Agencies Do For Their Clients Formulation and presentation of definite plan Execution of the plan writing, design, and illustration contracting for space, time, or other advertising means Incorporation of the message in mechanical form and sending to the media checking and verifying
What Advertising Agencies Do For Their Clients Execution of the plan (continued) auditing and billing for the service, space and presentation cooperation with the client’s sales force
Full-Service Agency Offers clients all the services necessary to handle the total advertising function Planning Creation Production Placement Evaluation
Full-service agencies proceed through the following steps: Diagnosing the market and brand problem Setting objectives and developing strategy Creating the communication (layout, copy, etc.) Media plan Total plan Evaluation plan Notify trade of forthcoming campaign Billing and payments
Typical Agency Organizational Structure Creative department Account services Marketing services Management and finance
Creative Department Creative director Writers Artists Traffic department Print production director TV manager
Account Services Responsible for the relationship between the agency and the client Knowledgeable of: Client’s business Profit goals Marketing problems Advertising objectives
Marketing Services Responsible for media planning and buying, for research, and for sales promotion Media director Media buyer Media staff Research director Sales promotion director
Management and Finance Financial and accounting control Office management Personnel Training
Other Advertising Services Talent and production agencies Creating creative Talent sources to develop ad concepts Independent creative services Seek top creative talent on a freelance, per-job basis A La Carte Agency Offer for a fee just the part of the total services that advertisers want
Agency Compensation 15% commission Fixed commission less than 15% Sliding scales based upon client expenditures Flat-fee arrangements Performance-based systems Labor-based fee plus-profit arrangements
Other Services Barter houses Research services Wholesalers of broadcast time Research services Syndicated research Custom-made research reports
In House Agency Arguments For 1. Cost Saving 2. Confidentiality 3. Communications 4. Coordination and Control 5. Company and Product Familiarity
In House Agency Arguments Against 1. Objectivity 2. Quality/Expertise 3. Specialized Personnel 4. Working Relationship